Magic Mushrooms (psilocybin) and Ulcerative Colitis connection?

in #health8 years ago (edited)

Since I consciously began my path of “awakening” and experiencing the subtle levels of this existence, I have been using psilocybin as a tool to help aid my spiritual growth. I was hesitant about taking them :

  1. I’m still tapering on prednisone. Will the effect of shrooms over power or contradict steroidal effects on my adrenal glands?
  2. Last trip I was 80% in toilet-ville and expected the same. I took it earlier this year during a mild flare up and spent the majority of the trip indoors, on the toilet, forgetting how to function as a human and feeling disgusted at my poor state of health.

Mistakes made: diet was still shit, was still overeating, ate too much that day, ate over 3g to myself.
Flash forward August 6th, 2016: brewed 3.8g into ginger tea (which I recommend to anyone who experiences digestive discomfort) split between 2 people, no nausea or stomach complaints, come up and climax was euphoric, usual steroidal effects from prednisone were non-existent and felt intense relief from usual gastrointestinal pain/discomfort.

This morning (Aug 7th) I had the healthiest bowel movements in over 2 months. Overall, the most pleasant and forgiving shroom trip I’ve experienced.

Connecting the dots with Science: TNF-mediated inflammatory disease (necrosis of tumors) = known to be a direct cause of many inflammatory diseases is suppressed by the activation of the 5-HT2a receptor (Serotonin/mood balance). One of the functions of Remicade/Infliximad is targeting these TNF proteins. Psilocin found in shrooms is hopeful to work more efficiently at shutting them down.

I am my own guinea pig and scientist.

Most will look at this and call me stubborn or stupid for subjecting my body/mind to an experimental process devoid of “professional” approval, but I am already at this point where I know my own limitations and biological physiology well enough or even more so than professionals I deal with.

If I make errors along the way it is my own responsibility to own up to trial and error. I trust my own experience. It makes me sad that clinical research on psilocybin isn’t moving fast enough, especially when it is known how beneficial it can be for many avenues of human health. It would be nice to know the drug interactions/complications/proper dosage etc.

I am tempted to experiment with micro-dosing, but because my healing progress is going well for the moment- I want to keep it simple and avoid additional therapies . Having an alternative to Remicade would be a dream. Instead of having to suppress every system in your body you could take what is grown from the earth and benefit naturally without unhealthy side effects.


How are you getting on ? I’ve been searching for someone with UC going down this route, I’ve been using cannabis since June on its own to get back into remission, I was wandering wether the effects of mushrooms may help to stop the active disease