Could You Be Falsely Accused of Child Abuse?
Today, I'd like to talk about a topic that is a sensitive one, shaken baby syndrome. Shaken baby syndrome is a form of child abuse caused by forcefully shaking an infant or toddler. This violent shaking results in the brain swelling, bruising, or bleeding which can leave a child dead or with permanent brain damage. It is tragic but not quite as rare as you may think.
An estimated 1,000 to 3,000 children and infants suffer from shaken baby syndrome each year in the U.S.
Imagine, however, being FALSELY accused of shaking your baby to the point of harm. While this may seem far-fetched this is a reality for some parents.
If you've been following along with my posts, by now you know I am very passionate about the topic of vaccines and health. I have learned a great deal about vaccines that have shocked me but I'm still blown away at times by the information I come across. This was certainly the case this week when watching the documentary, We Don't Vaccinate. The film reveals one of the lesser-known issues around vaccines- the mis-diagnosis of shaken baby syndrome.
Two Cases of Mis-diagnosed Shaken Baby Syndrome Caused By Vaccines
David's Story
In July of 2000, social worker Marion Kammer fostered a 4 month old boy named David. Marion was an "angel" for David when he was removed from the care of his parents after being suspected of severely shaking him. As Marion looked into the case further, however, she started to see a different cause for his brain trauma, vaccines. Marion Kammer:
“The vaccination was carried out on July 11, immediately causing him to vomit. The next day his mother took him to the hospital, where his head was examined using ultrasound but no symptoms were found. He was kept at the hospital over the weekend and on Monday his brain gradually began to swell. Trauma caused by shaking was then immediately suspected even though the mother had remained with him in the hospital over the past two days.”
What stood out in David's case was he did not have immediate neurological symptoms. Therefore, it was not possible he had suffered the brain swelling and trauma from being shaken.
What caused David's brain injury?
The aluminum in the vaccines David was given is what actually caused the inflammation and swelling in his brain. Vaccines commonly contain aluminum, an adjuvant used for its ability to excite the immune system. When aluminum exposure creates inflammation and swelling of the brain the symptoms will only appear after 1 or a few days. This was the case with David.
“In a trauma caused by shaking, even lay people can observe that the child has neurological problems”, says Marion. Neurological problems were not visible when the doctor vaccinated David or through the first days when he was hospitalized. This did not stop the hospital professionals from diagnosing David with “Shaken Baby Syndrome”.
David’s parents almost ended up going to prison for child abuse, and if Marion had not done her due diligence, this would have been the outcome. Marion says she stayed persistent in the case, confronting the authorities and also raising donations to fund expert testimony which made the youth welfare office understand David's parents were innocent.
Two months following this horrific ordeal, David was due for another dose of the same vaccine. Marion, once again, fought for David and was able to prevent him from being further damaged.
Maja's Story
Another story that is most unsettling is about a baby girl named Maja. Maja was not the same baby following her vaccination with Infanrix and Prevenar at 10 weeks old. (Infanrix is a mulitdose vaccine used to immunize against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (whooping cough), a.k.a. the DTPa vaccine, and Prevenar is a pneumococcal vaccine that contains extracts from thirteen of the most common types of Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria.)
Following her vaccinations, Maja started screaming. Her mother says this was very abnormal for her child and had never witnessed this type of behavior before. Furthermore, Maja was not able to drink properly and suffered from vomiting, diarrhea, and fever. (Note, poor eating and vomiting are commonly seen in shaken baby syndrome.)Her symptoms were so severe, her mother took her to her doctor the following day. The pediatrician said it was only a stomach bug and gave Maja medicine for it. The Paracetamol was prescribed to reduce her fever but it only exacerbated her symptoms.
What followed next was a shrill inconsolable crying from Maja and she was admitted to the hospital. The hospital staff suspected Maja had been violently shaken and would not consider the vaccinations or Paracetamol as the cause of her poor health. Similar to David's case, the expert who examined Maja's case found that the vaccinations were probably the root cause, not child abuse.
Aluminum's Effect on the Brain
Shaken baby syndrome can be mis-diagnosed because the symptoms are often similar to symptoms of aluminum poisoning. Dr. Klaus Hartmann, former pathologist for the vaccine-licensing authority, Paul Ehrlich Institute, is aware of aluminum's impact on the brain from seeing childhood autopsies firsthand. According to his expertise aluminum poses quite a threat to the brain because the dentitric cells and marophages located there carry the aluminum through the blood-brain barrier where it gets deposited. Dr. Hartmann states:
"What exactly the aluminum does in the brain is not clear, but after repeated vaccinations, brain inflammations are commonly found, similar to those seen in cases of multiple sclerosis. There are also animal models for this, experimental autoimmune encephalitis and inflammation of the brain can be induced in test animals by aluminum compounds.”
Imagine for a moment you were in this situation. Your son or daughter has been taken away from you after taking them to the hospital for these symptoms, and you now are being investigated for child abuse. You may never get your child back, and you may be threatened with a prison sentence.
It would be unimaginable! What makes it even more scary to imagine is how these cases play out. Typically, what happens is the public prosecutor’s office will investigate the case and once it gets to court a vaccine lobbyist will present their testimony to try and have the suspicion of vaccine damage dismissed. It's like going up against the vaccine companies.
It's tragic when a child is abused but what is also tragic is the idea of parents being falsely accused of harming their child. We can only wonder if some of the thousand or more cases of shaken baby syndrome diagnosed in the U.S. each year may be caused by the aluminum in vaccines. If we really care about the well-being of our children, we should take a closer look into how shaken baby syndrome is diagnosed. We need to rule out vaccine injury BEFORE ruling shaken baby syndrome.
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Thanks for sharing and bringing awareness to this issue. Great read and great points!
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Thanks for the best put up! @nataliejohnson
thank you for sharing valuable information.
Thank you for posting this lovely moment in time for you. Love it. Followed...
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you are a good writer..
Thank u @sabalinet! I appreciate the nice compliment =)
brova @nataliejohnson

Thanks for the ideal publish! @nataliejohnson
THANK YOU for raising awareness on the developing link between vaccines and SIDS/SBS.
Here in the USA, sometime around 1986, "Our" congress decided to strip away from the citizens any legal recourse they could have had against the Pharmaceutical companies, making it impossible to sue the manufacturers for damage caused by their products. They replaced it with a government funded payout system called "VAERS" (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System).
Why are the citizens of the USA forced to pay for the damages caused by pharmaceutical companies?
Egregious, and disgusting!
Thank u for the great comment, @sleepy-gary. Upon doing research on vaccines, I know this to be true. As you said, we the taxpayers are paying for the damage done by these drug companies. It's the perfect set-up for them. Business-wise they almost can't fail in that regard. But we still have the ability to say no to vaccines and drugs... If only more people would see the truth and stop lining the drug companies' pockets at our expense.
Look at the links I posted :)