Tips on getting the sleep you need

Getting a good night’s sleep is important for everyone, especially for frequent travelers. Losing sleep can affect many aspects of your health, increasing the risk for heart disease, obesity, and contracting communicable diseases. There are great benefits in fixing any problems one might have getting to sleep.
The typical adult needs between 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night. There are several ways in which a person can get the sleep they need, even if it has become a struggle for them.
• Exercise during the day can help relax your body at night. Consider making a daily exercise routine to help with your sleep patterns.
• Going to bed at the same time every night will help establish a sleep pattern your body can get used to.
• Avoid drinking caffeine before going to bed. Caffeinated beverages are stimulants, and can keep your mind more active at night.
• Avoid drinking alcohol as well - as a depressant, alcohol can inhibit several stages of the REM sleep cycle, affecting your quality of sleep and waking you up several times in the middle of the night.