Amazing benefits of eating two eggs dailysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #health7 years ago

Eggs are full of protein, iron, amino acids and anti oxidants

Eggs are full of protein, iron, amino acids and anti oxidants. But do you know if the two eggs are eaten daily, what are the effects on the body?

By eating two eggs daily, the body receives 12 grams of protein, while vitamins A, D, B, iodine and other ingredients are also found.

However, other benefits will surprise you.

Brain protection

The part of the colon-based phospholipides helps normal communication between brain cells. According to a clinical research, the acquisition of colin is very important for mental health, if the two eggs are eaten daily, then the body gets the right amount. Contrary to the contraction of the choline causes problems in memory.

Protection of bankruptcy

According to a research, eggs are full of the part of the litane, it is responsible for keeping the particle correct, while its deficiency causes devastative changes in eye tissues and can cause unnecessary damage.

Helpful absorb calcium

Eggs are also full of vitamins D, which absorbs calcium into the body better as well as strengthening bones and teeth.

Best for skin, hair and liver

Bio protein, vitamins B12 and other proteins contribute to the strength and elasticity of hair and skin, as well as improving the food emission of poisonous food from egg habitat liver.

Reduce the risk of acne

According to a research, cholesterol in the eggs is not harmful for the health, while the omega-thaw fatty acids present in it are reduced to the levels of tide glycerides, which reduce problems related to blood vessels such as diarrhea and other diseases.

Physical Weight Loss

According to an American research, with low eggs, low-calorie food helps to quickly decrease the physical weight.

Reduce the risk of cancer

The essential ingredient for the brain reduces the risk of cancer, according to a research that makes daily use of eggs to women with fungus, which reduces the risk of breast cancer by 18 percent.

Avoid interruptions

Vitamin B creates hormone which is essential for prevention, Vitamins Bine or Folic Acid improves red blood cells, while pregnancy reduces the risk of child-obstruction development.

Let's slow down the journey

According to a Dutch study, daily use of two eggs in the age of 35 to 40 years disappears in seed spots (aging marks), while smooth skin makes the skin smooth, thus the eyes around the eyes decrease significantly