RE: A response to @chron: Why you should believe in Herd Immunity!
@theaustrianguy: I would like to get into that: spoke to the doctor at the time when my eldest son was born. This doctor was besides a 'normal' doctor who also studied anthroposophy. They held a course about natural treatments and information about vaccines and childhood diseases etc. I told her about my worries about mumps in the case of a boy. She showed me studies and research that I now wish I had asked for the reference. But what it came down to that orchitis is actually quite rare with mumps, but to get it on BOTH testicles would be even rarer. Besides that, it is also treatable, if caught on time, which usually would be the case since it would be very uncomfortable and painful. I mentioned that someone I knew had had that, and she told me that this man was extremelyunfortunate. So even though the outcome might not be great, in the case of mumps, you could definitely ask yourself which risk would be higher..