Vaccine Researcher Has Her Life Gruesomely Threatened

in #health7 years ago (edited)

I just watched an amazing interview with Dr. Suzanne Humphries and Mike Adams of Natural News following a horrific death threat she received. Dr. Humphries is a twice board certified Medical Doctor in Internal Medicine and Nephrology with a license for both in 3 states. She worked in a conventional practice until 2011 when she started noticing an increase of nephrology patients who had recently received a vaccination right before their kidney issues started.

In turn, she attempted to get the hospital to quit vaccinating incoming patients with kidney issues because the standard inflammation caused by vaccines is hard enough on normal kidneys, let alone damaged or diseases ones. It apparently was a hospital policy that all patients staying more than 24 hours have to be vaccinated, which is absurd to begin with, but worse when she explains that it had something to do with the government refusing to pay for hospital stays if the patient didn't receive an influenza vaccine. WHAT??

Her colleagues started to question her motives for determining whether her patients' sudden-onset kidney disease was caused by a drug - the vaccine - as most kidney cases can be solved by "finding the drug", she says. Long story short, she left and retained her own private practice and dedicated her work to determining whether vaccines were putting healthy people on dialysis or not, through research.

On January 18th, Dr. Humphries received the death threat via email, and it was no idle death threat… the author was creepily specific about several ways they’d like to murder her in expressive vulgarity. She filed reports with both the local police and the FBI, both of which have been largely unresponsive. The letter came from an encrypted server in Germany, which is open for anyone to use and is untraceable.

Dr. Humphries also exclaims her love for the 2nd Amendment during this ordeal, and says she cannot imagine how helpless she would feel right now if she lived in a country without gun rights. Who, if not her gun, is going to save her if these psychopaths come knocking?

Below is a very partial transcript of the letter, scroll past the blockquote if you'd rather not read its nastiness.

I’m gonna f#cking murder you, you stupid f#cking c#nt. I’m just letting you know, just to let you know that when it happens, you were f#cking warned bitch. You’re always puttin your location out there, so it’s real f#cking easy to get to you. I have a nice beautiful Desert Eagle that’s gonna be used on you. So keep thinkin all your health sh#t is gonna help you, cuz guess what, c#nt, it’s not gonna help you live another f#cking day.

{…5 more paragraphs of filth…}

I just need to get a few things in order before I do it, but I’ve been wanting for a long time, and I’ve finally decided I have to do it, no more f#cking around. I want to make you scream so bad, to taste your blood and watch you scream bitch. I’m gonna kill you and I want you to know that when it happens, you could have done something. And you didn’t. That’s gonna be the best part you see, because I’m tellin you plain and simple. I’m comin now. Let’s see if you’re prepared when I get there for ya, or whether you look like a total deer in the f#cking headlights when I blow your f#cking head off.

See you in hell.

Click here to read the entire letter

Before everyone gets all crazy, I am not an anti-vaxxer!
I believe that polio, small pox, and many other vaccines are
necessary and have been tremendously positive for humanity.

I also believe the old ones didn't have all the nasty chemicals in them that vaccines do today, and that there is mountains of evidence showing that vaccines are wreaking biological havoc on many levels, and lastly, that it at least deserves the attention of the medical community by investigating why that is instead of just finger wagging and name calling.

Anyone who questions vaccines at all are considered crazy conspiracy theorists - just for thinking scientifically and trying to find a solution to an obvious problem. I will never be convinced that influenza vaccines, which contain thimerosal, a version of mercury, are healthy for us, or that the benefit of them even remotely out-weighs the risk... they contain mercury - and don't even work!!

This death threat is more than likely a psy-op of some rogue agency somewhere, or corporate bullies, either way it's all the same - fear is their easiest tactic. But, just in case it is not, I think we should spread her story wide so she doesn't get gruesomely murdered, the way many holistic healers have been in the last couple years.

Below are two videos from Mike Adams' YouTube channel, TheHealthRanger. The first one is a video of Dr. Humphries reading the death threat letter aloud and explaining how it all went down with the police, etc. The second video is an in-studio interview Mike Adams did with Dr. Humphries, and it could easily be played as a podcast while you're doing something else.

Personalized branding media courtesy of @grow-pro!


I follow Mike Adams religiously and saw these videos. This is a very good analysis of what is going on. Thanks

Thanks @bourbon-meister!!!! I adore him :)

As you already know, I had an autoimmune response to Anthrax "vaccines." Since having the vaccines, I have had more and more food allergies and I get sick very easily. My immune system is ruined in other words. My hearing damage, 90% of half the normal hearing range, was destroyed. Doctors, who I did not tell my history to, told me it was "chemical damage."

My children share my DNA, so they could easily have a similar autoimmune response. Therefore, I refuse to get them vaccinated anymore. Our middle son had some vaccines, my daughter after him had a few less, and my youngest son has barely any. My youngest son has the strongest immune system and gets sick the least. Surprise!!!

I'm so sorry you had to go through that @Finnian. That is wild about your youngest, definitely not surprised. There are so many people with stories similar to yours and I just cannot wrap my head around the medical industry's complete deniability. I've even had cats who've had reactions, so no more vaccines for them either, and our vet actually feels the same - but see, he hasn't been brainwashed by the AMA and others, like MDs have.

We just lost a cat because of vaccines. She was sick, and the first thing the vet did was vaccinate her. It shocked her system, and she died. I'm still pissed about that... /grumble

Yeah, my cats are indoor only. Same with the dog. There's no good reason to weaken their immune system for something they will almost certainly not get like rabies.

My youngest son is not circumcised either. I was finally able to convince my wife not to do it.

Oh yeah, I'd be pissed too... and good for you, I'm against any GM.