Testosterone Series Part II | Learn How to Raise Testosterone Naturally Today!

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Here are ten practices that raise testosterone levels naturally today:

1. Get 8 Hours of Deep Sleep

Research shows that testosterone (T) levels are affected drastically by both the quality and quantity of sleep.

A study determined that sleeping only 5 hours a night for a week decreased T levels by 15%.

In a separate study, the men who slept about 4 hours a night had an average of 250 ng/dL testosterone levels, whereas the men who slept for roughly 8 hours had T levels closer to 600 ng/dL.

The quantity of continuous sleep is imperative, but sleep quality matters just as much. Ideally sleep on your bed, in a dark, quiet and slightly cool bedroom. Falling asleep on a seat in front of your TV/computer doesn’t count as quality sleep. Set a timer to turn off the device at the bare minimum.

2. Aim for the Range of 8-14% Body Fat and Have Some Muscle Mass

Research consensus shows that a person’s body fat is usually inversely correlated with testosterone levels. Meaning, the higher the body fat, the lower the T levels get.

The reason behind why high body fat levels affect T levels can be found with an enzyme called aromatase. High body fat levels allow for high aromatase enzyme levels, and aromatase causes testosterone to convert into estrogen.

High Fat > High Aromatase > Lowers Testosterone > Heightens Estrogen

The takeaway is that the leaner you are, the more testosterone you’ll likely have. Naturally increasing the amount of muscle mass also positively correlates with free/serum testosterone levels. If a man were to burn away fat and start building muscles, he will not only look healthier but will improve their hormonal spectrum as well.

3. Mentally Relax More

Becoming mentally relaxed reduces cortisol levels (the stress hormone) secretion. Cortisol is indirectly correlated with testosterone. Cortisol is made from the same fundamental building blocks that make testosterone in the body; pregnenolone. High levels of cortisol can destroy free testosterone. molecules that are inside the testicles and in the bloodstream.

Becoming more mentally relaxed. is one of the best things we can do for our intrapersonal hormonal health. It is easier said than done, so don’t be hard on yourself or others. Don’t forget to not sweat the small stuff and breathe deeply to take more control of your psyche consciously. Be your best master!

4. Maintain Consensual Sexual Activity

Sexual activity increases testosterone, but it’s not fully understood why. It’s theorized that it’s an interplay with pheromones, feeling of success, feeling of power, dopamine, dominance, and the interpersonal touch.

A study called the Baltimore Longitudinal Study on Aging, and it demonstrated that men over 60-years of age and those with a higher level of sexual activity had significantly greater serum testosterone levels. This can also be seen in couples during the nights that there is sexual activity. Testosterone levels are substantially higher than on the nights that they don’t have sex.

There seems to be a myth that masturbation would “drain” the body from testosterone. That’s not true. As well, masturbation doesn’t produce the same increase in testosterone as a couple having sex.

A study of 44 men visiting a brothel revealed that the men who went to a brothel only to watch others have sex, had an average increase of 11% in their testosterone levels, whereas the men who went and had sex there noted an average increase of 72%.

5. Avoid Excessive Alcohol

It’s well documented that chronic male alcoholics have significantly lower levels of testosterone and significantly higher estrogen levels than their non-alcoholic peers.

Alcohol increases aromatase enzyme levels & aromatase not only converts testosterone to estrogen, but aromatase also increases prolactin hormone levels & oxidative stress in the body.

Luckily, it’s all dose dependent. Moderate alcohol consumption isn’t that bad for male hormone production. In a study, two glasses of red wine lowered testosterone by only 7%.

So if your goal is to increase testosterone, you should avoid drinking alcohol frequently and in high quantities. You don’t have to give up on it altogether.

6. Lowering Exposure to Endocrine Disruptors

Synthetic chemicals or some natural substances can alter the function of the endocrine hormonal system. Unfortunately, these chemicals are used generously in current personal care items, plastics, preservatives, pesticides, and many other appliances & furniture.

Out of the millions of synthetic chemicals used, most are relatively harmless in very low quantity. However, some compounds have been proven to unnaturally interfere with hormone production and functions in the body.

  1. BPA (Bisphenol A) - a monomer used in plastics and epoxy.
  2. Parabens (methyl-, ethyl-, propyl-, butyl-, heptyl-, hexyl, etc.) - which are preservatives used in nearly all kinds of cosmetics.
  3. Phthalates - stabilizers and emulsifying agents in many personal care items.
  4. Benzophenones (BP-1, BP-2, BP-3...) permeability enhancing UV- stabilizers are used in a wide range of personal care items, but most commonly in sunscreens.
  5. Triclosan and Triclocarban - antibacterial agents found in many antibacterial soaps, lotions, hand sanitizers, etc.

Your body highly recommends that you check the labels of the products you regularly use to make sure you’re minimizing exposure to harmful substances. These substances are: found in most plastic containers & non-stick cookware, canned, processed or boxed food, most cosmetics, most personal hygiene & care items, soaps, regular lotions, and most hand sanitizers. Safer products can be found in all previously mentioned product categories.

It’s nearly impossible to avoid all exposure in modern times, but minimizing exposure significantly is very easy. Consider using a tap water filter, drinking from steel or glass cups and bottles, use natural personal care items that are hypoallergenic, and eat less canned, processed & boxed foods.

Grocery store receipts are also coated with BPA, so better not fiddle around with them too much.

7. Keep the Jewels Cool

Roughly 95% of the testosterone in men is produced inside the Leydig cells of the testicles. For optimal testicular function, the family jewels need to be cooler than the rest of the body, hence why they hang outside in a pouch.

What men can do to improve their testicular function is to sleep naked, wear loose boxers, and take short bursts of cold & hot showers. This can have a positive impact on testosterone production.

8. Consistent Regular Physical Activity

Aside from weight training, men should maintain some form of regular physical activity on a daily basis. These activities include hiking, walking after eating, mowing the lawn, raking leaves, shovelling snow, gardening, organizing the garage, playing sports and other sorts of recreational activities.

Studies show that when sedentary men are compared to “active” men, the more physically active fellas have higher levels of healthy sperm and testosterone. For example in Tsimane tribesmen, 1-hour of chopping trees led to 46.8% increase in testosterone.

9. Drink More Water for God Sake

Drinking water is something that everybody knows they should but hardly most men do. It has been shown in studies that even a slight 2% dehydration may significantly elevate cortisol levels & lower growth hormone secretion.

Thirst is really a sign of dehydration, not the signal to drink water. So if you're thirsty, you’ve actually already have fallen behind on your water intake. Healthy hydration practices aim to drink enough water, and minimize caloric liquids, to have 5 clear urinations a day, so start with a tall glass or two in the morning.

10. Intermittent Fasting

A few interesting studies have proven that after a short-term fast, the functional androgen receptors become more sensitive to testosterone. The heightened sensitivity is better than the sensitivity reached with consistently eating within 3-hour windows. Researchers compared men with the heightened sensitivity due to intermittent fasting to men that eat on within 2 hours of walking up (breakfast).

Intermittent Fasting Example

a) Don't drink liquids with calories or eat for 4-6 hours after waking up.
b) Instead, drink a 750 ml - 1 L of your favorite type of water for the first hour or two.
c) Later have a cup or two of black coffee, black tea, or espresso shots mixed in hot water during the last few hours of the fast.
d) Have 2-3 meals in the second part of the day.

Example for waking up @ 7 am

  • 7-9 am: carbonated 750 bottle of water
  • 9-11 am: A double shot of espresso (black) in a large cup diluted in hot water or a large black cup of coffee/green tea/black tea
  • 12-2 pm: First meal
  • 4-6 pm: Second meal
  • 8-10 pm: Last meal/snacks

This form of Intermittent Fasting that I recommends is just replacing traditional breakfasts with water first then caffeine and later eating 4 to 6 hours after waking up.

This method a person would spend 15-18 hours fasted (sleep included) and consume their appropriate calories in the latter part of the day.

Next post, I'll share methods on how to Train for Higher Natural Testosterone Levels specifically.