Daily Life Hacks with Wood Ash..

in #health6 years ago (edited)


There is a Waste material which is left behind after burning of wood.. named Ash.....
It is thought to be useless.. but it is very useful in our daily life..

So here is some uses of ASH..
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{1} It can be used as a de-odor agent for pets like dog.. It can remove bad smell.. If you want to use cheap method.

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{2} It can be used to hide strain while paving.. If we sprinkle ash on cement with wet paint then the wet paint spatters.


{3} It can be used to enrich compost.. If we add this to organic compound before mixing to the soil.. It enhances the nutrients.. But adding it in a big amount can make the compound ruin.

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Image link :- https://www.google.co.in/search?rlz=1C1CHBD_enIN805IN805&biw=1366&bih=613&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=yL5JW_qnCoTivgT1h5DoDg&q=use+of+ash+as+pest+blocking&oq=use+of+ash+as+pest+blocking&gs_l=img.3...44406.56613.0.56772.

{4} It can be used to block pests in your yard.. by just only sprinkling it gently on the grass.


{5} It can be used as a de-icing agent.. It can melt frozen ice.

{6} One tablespoon per 1,000 gallons adds enough potassium to strengthen other aquatic plants that compete with algae, slowing its growth.


{7} It can be used to increase the growth of tomatoes by just adding it to the roots before planting.


{8} It can be used to clean glass by just sprinkling it on glass after that rub glass with a fine cloth.


{9} It can be used as a soap to wash dishes, specially in India.


{10} It can be used as a metal polisher.. A paste of ash and water makes a dandy nontoxic metal polisher...



Website Link :- https://www.thisoldhouse.com/ideas/10-uses-wood-ashes
So there are many other uses of ash but these are some main.. So Friends.. Make this polluting material Eco friendly and join my Save Environment Scheme..

Thank You!
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