What?? Coffee Is Good For Blood Pressure???

in #health6 years ago

I picked the red berries straight from our Coffee tree in South Africa and chewed them raw – bean and all.
Tastes great and the sweet red skin compliments the subtle coffee flavour of the seeds (beans)
Then you go ZOOOOOM! ZOOOOOM! all over the place, but in a healthy way.

Try it and see for yourself.

All you need is a coffee tree.

Come on now, everything good takes a little effort and planting one will also help your blood pressure.


In the words of Michael Cutler M.D.

Coffee is exactly what you need for healthy blood pressure…

Yes, it’s the same coffee you drink every day but with ONE critical difference. It’s green and it has less caffeine than a cup of decaffeinated coffee!

The most significant blood pressure breakthrough in 25 years

The coffee I’m talking about is extracted from the unroasted, green coffee beans. And it’s a potent tonic for healthy blood pressure like nothing I have ever seen before. As I write this report, I can’t recall a single nutritional discovery more significant than green coffee.

In a recent clinical study published in a major medical journal, a team of Japanese scientists reported that green coffee may be the golden key that unlocks a lifetime of healthy blood pressure.

The study subjects were all worried about keeping their blood pressure healthy (just like you). Half were given a placebo and the other half tried green coffee extracts. What happened next was utterly astounding to all the researchers and scientists involved…

Results from recent green coffee study published in a major medical journal:
Test subjects blood pressure numbers shocked the researchers
After only weeks, the green coffee numbers were simply astounding.

Don’t worry about caffeine! Green coffee has less caffeine than a cup of DE-caffeinated coffee!
Hidden in these beans is a nutrient that may hold the key to protecting your body’s nitric oxide—the essential compound your blood vessels need to “relax” and open up—so healthy blood pressure and blood flow is optimal.

When Japanese researchers recently tested the blood pressure effects of green coffee extracts, the results were shocking.

Here are the actual 12 week results from the clinical study…

Systolic blood pressure (the TOP number) — HEALTHY.
Diastolic blood pressure (the BOTTOM number) — NORMAL.
How relieved would YOU feel with results like these? How surprised would your doctor be at your next checkup?

Even better, the green coffee test subjects enjoyed these results naturally.

What about side effects? None. In fact, the Japanese researchers reported that “… there were NO apparent side effects.”1

A second human study confirmed the remarkable results… and took it one step further…
In a separate study of 117 patients, researchers reported similar results for blood pressure.

They also reported that the more green coffee extracts the test subjects took, the healthier their blood pressure. Again, the results were reported in one of the world’s most respected medical journals.2

Look what’s going on inside your arteries and blood vessels…
As you age, your heart and blood vessels aren’t as flexible as they once were, which may mean it’s harder to maintain healthy blood pressure.

The nutrients discussed in this report help protect your body’s precious supply of nitric oxide—which relaxes and OPENS your arteries for healthier blood flow. They help keep your blood vessels smooth and flexible.

How does green coffee work? It’s nitric oxide.

The secret lies deep inside your arteries, blood vessels and even your heart. If you could shrink yourself down to the size of a molecule and travel through an artery, the first thing you’d notice is what scientists call the endothelium.

The endothelium is the smooth, supple lining inside every blood vessel in your body—from the largest arteries to the teeny tiny blood vessels in the far reaches of your body. When you were young, and your nitric oxide levels were high, your endothelium probably looked smooth as silk and just as supple.

But as you age, your nitric oxide levels start falling and your endothelial cells begin to age, too.
Over time, your arteries would begin to become less flexible. The result? It may be harder to maintain healthy blood pressure.

But it doesn’t have to be that way for you—thanks to the ground-breaking research of three Nobel prize winners, and recent research into the health benefits of green coffee.

Green coffee helps rejuvenate the cells lining your arteries
The secret to green coffee’s power is connected to the availability of nitric oxide to your endothelial cells.

It’s really quite simple. In 1998, three Nobel Prize-winning scientists: Robert F. Furchgott, Louis J. Ignarro and Ferid Murad discovered that nitric oxide, a natural substance in your body, actually signals your endothelial cells to “relax” and open up your blood vessels.

The result? Healthy blood flow and normal blood pressure. But how can you make more nitric oxide available to your arteries and blood vessels?

That’s where green coffee comes in. In one study, researchers observed that people with healthy blood pressure have more nitric oxide available to nourish their endothelial cells—and help maintain healthy blood pressure.

Arteries OPEN WIDE and say AHHH!

The solution? Green coffee extracts. Inside your body, this remarkable substance helps protect your body’s natural supply of nitric oxide so your blood vessels can “open wide” and keep your blood pressure right where your doctor (and you) want it.

So it’s no surprise that test subjects saw BIG improvements in blood pressure in a matter of weeks…

Systolic blood pressure—HEALTHY.
Diastolic blood pressure—NORMAL.
The science is in, and it’s indisputable. Green coffee is the kind of all-natural breakthrough you see maybe once or twice in a generation.

That’s why I now recommend green coffee to anyone who wants to maintain healthy blood pressure for life.

Meet Michael Cutler M.D.

Dr. Cutler is a Board-Certified Family Physician specializing in chronic degenerative diseases, with over 20 years of clinical practice.

He LOVES bringing the latest nutritional healing discoveries to his vast audience of readers and health-conscious Americans.
He’s a graduate of Brigham Young University (BYU), Tulane Medical School and Natividad Medical Center Family Practice Residency, in Salinas, California.
He’s the editor and founder of the popular online newsletter, Easy Health Options—one of America’s most trusted sources for new healing breakthroughs.
He’s the pioneering formulator of Ultimate BP™, the world’s first synergistic health supplement—where all the ingredients work together and deliver results most patients have never experienced before.


You better not tell Dr Cutler's Alma Mater as drinking coffee is against the BYU honor code.