in #health7 years ago (edited)

Healthy eating is a key to healthy life. In the world full of Junk foods Nature opens up its natural treasures and it provides natural drugs in the form of tasty fruits. If these are given a proper place in our routine eating schedule a healthy life is guarantee. In this article i will keep my focus on fruits that fight the best against a rapidly increasing menace ""Cancer".
My top 5 Cancer fighting fruits are:



Its an old saying that an apple a day keeps the Doctor away. A fruit that is not only good in taste but also has a lot of health benefits. Yes! and most important is it being an anti-cancerous agent. It contain compounds known as "Procyanidins" that act as cyanide to cancerous cells and kill them.
Apple peels contain "triterpinoids " in their peels and this compound stops the growth and development of Cancer cells.
So eat Apples and eat them with peels after washing thoroughly.



This is the fruit from Heavens. So beautiful, and mouthwatering seeds like pearls. My favorite fruit that is a heaven of essential nutrients and is better than life saving drugs. A fruit that Builds blood in body and is rich in Iron and is a boost to liver Kidney Urinary track and even stomach and intestines.
Rich in Tannin and other Compounds that have cancer healing properties. It is a Cancer healing drug for all types of Cancers.



Yummmy!!!! This tropical fruit is just amazing. Sweet in taste and aroma and rich in vitamin C. It has an amazing property that it not only breaks the cancer cells but also repair the damaged proteins by promoting the DNA in the repair damaged proteins cells. It has special enzymes that kill cancer cells by stopping their growth and development and damaging the protective layers of cancerous tumors.
It is Best Best Best against skin cancer and promotes glowing beautiful ever young skin.



Another fruit from the Heavens. Grapes itself are rich in carbohydrates, Vitamins and Minerals and are good for heart patients, instant source of energy and complete food. But the most important part as far as cancer is concerned is the Seed.
The seeds of grapes are rich in compounds that have property of killing cancer cells. The grape seed extract is now being medically used as a cancer treatment drug.
Eat grapes along with seeds.



A tasty fruit that is one of the richest fruit in vitamin C. It is anti-Aging and Anti-Cancer fruit. Rich in flavonoids and carotenoids it protects the DNA and act as a boost to our Immune system. As a result our Immune system fights in a better way against cancer and other such problems.

Friends these are my Top 5 Anti-Cancerous fruits. Keep these in your eating schedules and fight notorious disease in a delicious way..
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Have a healthy life.