How We Can Save Our Planet by Going Plant-Based?

What the research shows
Researchers have shown that plant-based diet prevents, reverses and cures chronic illnesses and even death. Plants are a rich source and contains all the essential required vitamins and minerals that our body needs. Eating more fruits and vegetable will lower the risk of heart disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes and even cancer. When we eat more plant based food, this will help the body to detox by cleansing and nourishing the body. Our whole body cells will completely regenerate every 7 to 9 months; how incredible is that? When adopting this life style, you will notice a dramatic increase in energy, regardless of age. For those with sleeping disorders, plant base diet would be ideal to increase the chance of getting enough sleep every night because plants have natural capabilities to relax our brain muscles to help us sleep better.

Benefit Of Plant Base Diet
- Reverses and cures chronic illnesses
- Increase life span
- Weight Lose
- Increase on energy
- Animal rights
- Saving planet earth
- Reduce global warming
- Decrees in lost of spices
- Deforestation
Animal Rights
Eliminating animal consumption is crucial to end animal suffering and the violation of their rights. Scientists have proven that we do not require meat and dairy for our survival; what excuse do we have to keep on consuming animal products? We should really ask our selves this question, can there be anything more priceless than an animals life that we would rather consume their pain and suffering than pay a little bit extra for a healthier option? Even if fruits and vegetables were more expensive then animal products, would it be worth the life of an innocent animal who had the desire to live just like me and you; merely for our pleasure and satisfaction. All animal lives matter and they should be treated with respect fairly and equally. Animals are very similar to us, emotionally and spiritually, they are mothers, sister, brothers and fathers. They are here on this earth to teach, love (unconditionally) and interact with all other animals including humans on a trust bases.
By LyricaLinus
Thank you sir for this benefitial health tips. You have made me aware of these health tipa and the measures to be taken. I humbly appreciate your researched knowledge on this benefitial health tips and measures to be taken. Once again, i am grateful for this knowledge @lastborn.
I so happy to hear this from you and im sure this will benefit you and all of us greatly!
Thank you for the comment and for the support :D
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