First Aid

in #health7 years ago

Why is this not mandatory in schools?

Emergency revival and restorations, or at least recognizing emergency health issues, should be a part of everyone's education.

Learning emergency health remedies, should be a part of everyone's education... we all have aging parents and at the least, it would be comforting for them to know you know what to do and how to help if an emergency occurred. But it is not just for aging folks, young and old alike can have severe asthma attacks, heat attacks, fainting or a vast array of other sudden health issues.

There is a school left that teaches emergency first aid, but not what you may expect.

It is a school of Kyusho, where Martial, Health and Wellness all have equal footing. The first level of our curriculum is first aid as we actually strive to induce health issues (I know a bit crazy, but after more than 3 decades without injury, we know we are doing it correctly).

Our first aid curriculum varies greatly from typical first aid like CPR and other measures, but they sprang from actual induced trauma t stop breathing (two ways), consciousness, muscle control, etc. as we attack the nervous and blood systems of the body, this is also the reason these methods are so effective and immediate, urgent need. Yes they were born of necessity, urgency and the reversal of dysfunctions perpetrated on a human body with induced stresses.

Now this writing seems to be somewhat hypocritical, but consider instead the Yin – Yang correlation of healing and hurting. It is the way of the Martial Arts and was the tradition passed on from ancient times until lost in the more modern days. This correlation was lost after the Second World War when soldiers began learning an incomplete art from the Old Masters. They saw an opportunity to gain quick income from the soldiers, but did not, would not and could not, teach a full Art. So began the Commercialization as well as Westernization of these ancient methods.

The Old Masters

There was once a time when the “Old Master” of the village style would also be the doctor. They accomplished this by using the same incredible process and knowledge of the “Vital Points” for both applications and so the Master was sought after as well as profoundly revered. It is also in these processes that we can now advance our understanding of both methods and affects on the human body with Kyusho. However Kyusho varies in part from the other methods of pressure point manipulations like Shiatsu, Acupuncture, Tui Na or other similar Arts and Sciences. This is from practical experience and being born of immediate response need (First Aid), from physical trauma inflicted on the body. From there it has further developed from trauma response into a quicker method to relieve even common ailments in everyday life.

When we first started working Kyusho we had no revival processes or methods to help our training partner from the affects we inflicted. It was a hard learning curve with so much pain and dysfunction that needed to be endured to learn it properly and to a high level of competency. Affects like nausea, bowel issues, temporary loss of sight, breath, consciousness, hearing and more were common and daunting. In many cases physical functions were impaired for prolonged periods of time as these revivals or restorations were not yet known, this in turn lead to other health issues that mimicked the common ailments people suffer in daily life. This may seem cruel or even crazy, but the desire to learn this secret information that the Old Masters kept to themselves, surpassed all other consideration. What they did teach after many years of subservience to harsh and brutal training regiments was the physical, mental and spiritual will to endure the pain toward the ultimate goal of victory. This was after all the Warriors Code and it was their training that made it possible to open the path to the true knowledge.

This process actually served to gain us much more information, understanding and capabilities over the Old Masters, as they did not keep learning, or expanding the knowledge. They sought only to protect and keep record; it was because of that choice we have been able to surpass their knowledge and skill possibility. This was, is and will continue to be, because we adapt the current knowledge base with new research, medical verification and constant refinement as opposed to simple historical preservation. It is especially true in the healing of inflicted health issues as well, an area that will take all Kyusho practitioners into deeper understanding and scope. Arising first from this immediate need to fix what we were doing so that training sessions; frequency in training and more intentful and serious application could be safely practiced.

The revivals (wakening from unconsciousness, restoring the ability to breath or other deeper issues), that we have already documented in books, articles, web forums and even DVD series, were first to evolve as the most important measure after administration of the affect. The neurological revival as an example was first as we started dizzying and knocking partners unconscious. By lifting the unconscious individual we would note they would start to awaken, so we lifted them and placed them into a folded position for added comfort. During the lift we noted that pressure on the neck would awaken them more than by lifting in a different manner, this evolved into pressure or massage on the neck as it worked even better. During a strong KO (complete unconsciousness), even lifting and adding pressure was not sufficient to revive them, this led to striking the same area for a sharper result. This process was also defined by working with medical professionals of all disciplines to ascertain what the exact mechanisms were being accessed, so that we may possibly refine it even more and learn Kyusho to a deeper level.

Restoration of Breathing

As another example the Lung revival (restarting the individuals breathing after stopping it from a Kyusho strike), again originated from the immediate and obvious need at the time. We noted that certain Kyusho strikes on the body caused the recipient to inhale or exhale. Some made it difficult to breath as the normal muscular action of the diaphragm was impeded (as in a strike to the Solar plexus*). Through innumerous observations and correlation between researchers, we documented which targets caused each result and which was most efficient at this result. Also noticed along with the awakening of unconscious partners as we sat them up came a realization that they typically exhaled when sat upright, (due to pressure on the diaphragm as well as lungs). This compression needed to be released so that the diaphragm, when started again after cessation, would be un-impeded in its process. This is in part why we lean the individual back during this revival, which in turn lead to even more discovery. So by combining the specific target that had the greatest impact on the diaphragm (and consequentially the breathing process), with the release of pressure from specific posturing of the inflicted individual, came this revival and so many other understandings and potentials.

Now along with these immediate revivals came the need for relieving further physical dysfunctions or problems as mentioned above. As a further example the KO’s often times brought instant or delayed headaches that needed to be addressed to further our training time as well as gaining a deeper understanding of the affects, as well as new possibilities. Now different attacks brought pain in different areas of the head… this brought about the multiple reliefs’ we now employ, but also let us know that various attacks affected different parts of the individual. Form this alone came many side studies on the specific affects that each Kyusho application caused, as example a strike to the Lesser Occipital Nerve would cause dysfunction and unconsciousness just like a strike to the Mental Nerve. However the headaches manifested in different areas, of the head.


At first it made sense in a location aspect, but more could be learned with further investigation. We learned how to resolve both types of headaches using their unique points and manipulations… but this also proved that certain points affected others more readily as well. As example for this, when we strike Mental Nerve, we remove the centrally located headaches with the Greater Occipital Nerve at the base of the occiptal bone or base of the skull. So what would happen if we combined attacks to these two locations… more pain, more dysfunction, in short more of so many new possibilities. And once the affects were greater the more variations and other symptoms appeared that needed addressing. Again by causing even more trauma to the body, more revival or restorative measures were needed, in a continuous learning cycle.


So you see it was a multi-directional education that fed off each aspect as it deepened the knowledge of Kyusho and it’s potentials. It also gave way to a very full and comprehensive Health and Wellness program that successfully deals with day-to-day stress and health issues. It has been validated and used on multiple thousands of people in over 30 Countries by our skilled practitioners. This not only achieved global success (duplicatable and proven methods), it also helped so many people suffering from common daily ailments with like symptoms. It also proves that this information and the subsequent techniques have true worth to society as well.


As we have documented over the past decades, Kyusho translates as "Vital Point" and is a study of the human condition and it’s frailties. Although similar in appearance to the ancient acupuncture and pressure point massage methods, the Kyusho method can also deal with immediacy for certain trauma as well as easily rid the body of common ailments. Within seconds we can begin to relax and ease the pain associated with headaches, backaches, muscle and internal cramps, hiccups, asthma, nausea, sinus congestion and so many more common maladies both of natural causes as well as trauma inflicted. This is all performed quickly and efficiently without expensive pills or drugs that can take 20 minutes or more to work or have serious side effects on other organs or body functions. The ramifications are enormous and we believe to be of such worth for continued research and societal benefit.

This type of holistic approach has been effective for many thousands of years in cultures throughout the world and we have added even more possibility and purpose to it for you. Once you learn these simple methods of Kyusho First Aid, you too can help your family and friends with many of these common ailments we each suffer through.

Additional Reading:


Good Health – Evan Pantazi #Kyusho

Image Credit: alertforce, escuela-estp, polanest, netdoctor, iphone


Our first aid curriculum varies greatly from typical first aid like CPR and other measures, but they sprang from actual induced trauma t stop breathing (two ways), consciousness, muscle control, etc. as we attack the nervous and blood systems of the body, this is also the reason these methods are so effective and immediate, urgent need.

True fact, I remember vividly CPR (CardioPulmonary Resuscitation) and its potential as a first aid mode of reviving a patient.
Health emergencies should be a part of our lives as you rightly affirmed

Without concern for others, what are we?

I fear this will needs to be a grass root process as "They" rather us depend on "Them".

Educate thyself.

This a useful post.

Never heard of Kyusho First Aid but it seems interesting. As always a great read and look into the knowledge given by us and perfected over time.

first aid should be include in primary school level so kids are awakend about the similar emergency situation, this post is very important for my first aid knowledge.

Children are intuitive and very adept at healing...they have not been poisoned with outside influence. I have worked with thousands of Children (I owned a school for over 20 years), they are pure talent and adaptability.

very very informative are so great,,,,,,,,,,why don't every people think like you........i appreciate you......definitely i will join your are such a helpful person.........

Nope, just a human with concern for others.

Maintaining health is the most important thing we must do

And helping others with health emergencies as best we can, but uneducated people can not adequately help.

I have always thought that First Aid should be taught in schools.

Gubberment won't allow that, too much at stake.

Yeah that's true. Maybe parents should be looking at external sources to teach their children first aid. I had done my level 2 first aid certificate by the time I was 17 years old. Granted, I had an interest in the subject. But, as we all know, basic CPR knowledge could save a life.

Thank you so very much for sharing! Brilliant interview! @kyusho is a very good and brilliant man! I'm a very strong believer in Steem

I'm a CPR instructor, it gives confidence to my students and friends, and when I was trying that some peoplee receive classes as they will be able to help others, usualy their reaction was of fear or saying something stupid like "I hope other's know how to act, I don't need it". Sad but true.
At least, I try my surrounding to learn this and be more active.
Great post! :D