My sumac drink

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Recently, I started making this refreshing lemony drink.

Quick recipe:
I add some sumac powder to my water jug and leave it in the fridge. The next morning, I drink my tangy lemon drink, including the sumac bits. There are so many health benefits, plus the taste is refreshing, just a bit more tangy than lemon water.

You can also add sumac powder to your salad or dishes, though do not heat it since some of the beneficial nutrients will get destroyed.

Eating the actual sumac berries:
I also have the whole sumac berries. I thought I give them a try and was pleasantly surprised. I spat out the tiny seeds and ate the lemony bit. They taste delicious! While it may be a bit tedious for some to spit out the small seeds, I find this a nice little activity to do. Just like eating sunflower seeds with their shells on and biting them open.

Below I have listed one important one.Sumac diabetes 2.jpg

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