Activated charcoal - a must have in your medicine cabinet

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Activated charcoal.jpg

I have activated charcoal in my house now for several years. There have been many occasions where it has come in very handy, whether this was for spider bites, food poisoning, to cleanse my body of heavy metals, to whiten my teeth or even as a face mask. I cannot go without it, that's for sure.

Activated charcoal is a small black material created from coconut shells, wood chips, or nut shells. After the compound process is finished, the activated charcoal can bind and absorb material much larger than the size of its particle. The way activated charcoal works is that it binds those elements with a positive charge, even things such as pesticides and BPA. The chemicals are then eliminated naturally when you go to the toilet. For hundreds of years, natural charcoal has been utilised for the treatment of diseases and injuries.

Activated charcoal to treat poisonings and overdoses, to treat an upset stomach and to draw out heavy metals
Nowadays, activated charcoal is the predominant emergency treatment for poisonings and overdoses, whether for floor cleaners or even hair dyes. By ingesting activated charcoal, chemicals can be consumed quite quickly before too much damage is caused. Activated charcoal can be safely consumed in the right dose and has only a few adverse effects. The most typical side effect is constipation which is certainly better than the alternative harm that may be suffered from poisoning. With lots of drugs on the market today it is quite easy to confuse one pill with another. Thankfully, if this does occur activated charcoal may be used.

Activated charcoal also removes organic poison in the same manner as it does in respect of chemical or medical chemicals. Nevertheless, activated charcoal may also be used topically when one is stung by an insect and wants to draw out the toxins. Many physicians exactly use this method to remove natural poisons. We should therefore all keep some activated charcoal in our medicine cabinet.

Accordingly, activated charcoal can be a real lifesaver. This natural product is considerably safer than alternative methods of stomach pumping or other chemicals.

While activated charcoal may lead to stomach upset, cramps, vomiting, or constipation it is the safest means to remove toxins from the body. Many individuals even use it when they have a stomach upsets due to eating a bad product or food. Activated charcoal is also essential to draw out heavy metals which all of us accumulate in our bodies.

When you take activated charcoal use a wooden spoon when you mix it into your water. Also, it is best not to take activated charcoal together with minerals and vitamins since it may bind them too.

The FDA hasn't assessed the statements. The information is provided for informational purposes only. It's not intended to substitute medical advice or diagnosis by your doctor or other medical professionals. These herbs and products aren't meant to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any illness. Please always consult your healthcare professional.