Anti Rabies Injection for our Safety.

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Together with my coworker we went to the Provincial Hospital in the city for our second dose of anti rabies vaccine injection. We haven't bitten by a dog or a cat but because of the incidence happened in the hospital where we work 8 days ago.
I was in the out patient department when an old man came to me and told me that he wanted to see the doctor because he is experiencing body weakness and fever within 3 days. I asked his name and get all the needed data. I took his vitals signs blood pressure, pulse rate, body temperature and respiratory rate all appeared to be normal when suddenly while I am writing his data he said that he is having difficulty of drinking water and feels like he is drowning every time he tries to swallow water. I was shocked from what he said and asked if he have a history of dog bite and he said "Yes, but it was 6 months ago and he did not have anti rabies injection. I know that the symptoms of rabies is hydrophobia so I called the doctor and told him the data that I have gathered and the patient difficulty when it comes to drinking water. The doctor immediately referred the patient to the nearest tertiary hospital because we are just a primary hospital and we don't have isolation room for the patient, so I asked one of my subordinates to accompany the patient to provincial hospital. My subordinates accompanied the patient but when they reached the provincial hospital the hospital instructed the patient to go home because the manifestation of rabies is already present in the patient he is afraid of water and can't even touch it, he is afraid of light and air. The hospital told them that is too late for the patient. So my subordinate accompanied the patient and his wife to their house. 3 days passed and we learned that the patient died. The provincial hospital instructed us to be vaccinated as prophylaxis and precautionary measure to prevent us from being infected too even human to human transmission of rabies is very rear.
Rabies is dealy, don't wait until the symptoms occurred before seeking treatment because it is already too late when symptoms occured.

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Awesome my friend, great to see another post:)
Pwede pala yun
Very rare case naman. Pero for safety purpose nagpainject kami.