Spending time on Steemit is cool, but how are you protecting your eyes?
In today business world, working in an office involves the use of computers, tablets, and other mobile gadgets. With so many people using computer systems to facilitate official tasks, one common issue that is rampant among office workers is eye strain.
According to the recent studies, eye strain, as well as other worrisome visual symptoms, ensues in about 90% of users of computers.
Other problems associated eye problems are physical fatigue which leads to increased work errors and decreased productivity, red eyes, and eye twitching.

But what could be the cause of eye strain? A human being blinks about 15 times in one minute, evenly spreading tears over the eyes. This prevents the eyes from becoming irritated and dry. But research has shown that people who regularly stare at computer screens hardly blink; they blink less than half as often when watching, playing, or reading on a screen.
Additionally, the contrast or dissimilarity of text against the background as well as the flickering and the glare that is a common phenomenon of digital displays can be very hard on the human eye.
So, what are the preventive measures to put in place to prevent eye problems? Is it necessary to cut out the time spent on computer screens?

Well, if you can cut out screen time and it will not affect your work, by all means, do so. But that option is next to impossible, given the widespread use of smartphones which are rapidly replacing computer screens.
Therefore, here are some tips you should follow that will help you in preventing eye problems from computer screens.
Always position the computer screen about 25 inches away from your face. Ensure that the center of the screen is about 10 to 15 degrees below the level of your eyes.

Adopt the 20-20 rule: after every twenty minutes of staring at a computer screen, look away from the screen to gaze at objects that are about twenty feet away for a minimum of twenty seconds.
Reduce the illumination or screen resolution. If the resolution is still too bright, get a matte or nonglossy screen filter that will help in reducing the illumination drastically. They are available for computers, tablets, and phones.
Refresh your eyes with artificial tears if you feel them running dry.
In case you use contact lenses, you should give your eyes a little break by making use of your glasses.
After every two hours spent on your devices – computers, tablets, smartphones, etc. – take a long break of about fifteen minutes.
Make sure you go for eye checkups or exams regularly. If there is a need for you to use a different pair of eyeglasses when working on your computer – especially the tinted type – then use them.
Increase the refresh rate of your devices to minimize the flickering of the screen.
Blue light is associated with eye strain. Therefore, reduce the color temperature of the screens of your devices, and this will give off less blue light.
Consider changing the monitors of your computer to a liquid-crystal display (LCD) since they come with embedded anti-reflective surfaces as well as higher refresh rate.
Drink lots of water so that you can stay hydrated. Dehydration worsens dry eyes and makes them more irritable.
I am so glad we have now night mode on Steemit.

it's been good to get some knowledge about how being online all the time can harm our eyes .. we need to give some rest to our eyes...
Thanks for sharing this info.
It's so easy to get caught up with work and life that we tend to ignore the important things.
I personally think the 20/20 rule is a nice solution for people who spend a lot of time in front of a computer.
Okay guys lets exercise!

well it is all the more great work to impart to steemians and furthermore every one of us and beyond any doubt now I will take after this 20-20 strategy to make my eyes useful for dependably
thanx to share and a word of wisdom @jwolf
Steem for Steemians ! Next meeting at $ 10.70

I sincerely thank you very much for writing on this all important topic. I suffers for eye twiching and fatigue, now I have learnt one or few remedies to protect my eyes. I upvote you.
Thank you for sharing, we must also look at our posture, to prevent neck, shoulder and back pains!!
nice to see your post on it and also good for me to remind me again i read it before 3 month ago and i tried to act on it and now i forgot it but thanx to remind me hope i will dont forget it again this is more cmplusorty thing for us to save our eyes
That is really a troublesome issue. And I am facing this problem, long before joining steemit. I spend lots of time in front of PC, and mobile phone. and sometimes, I see my eyes are red, conjunctival redness. And obviously I am wearing glass for my refractive error.
By the way, you have mentioned some advices and we all should follow to protect this precious things.
nice post eyes are the gift of god and we all have to protect our eyes as much a we can and thanks for giving us some nice suggetions and tips, Stay awesome
Great tips! I often forget about these potential issues. This post is a great reminder for Steemians lke myself to use night mode as often as possible, and to utilize the brightness settings on our machines to protect our eyes.