Freedom from OBESITYsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #health7 years ago

I will tell you how to become free of extra weight. Like a feather in the wind. I call it Chunkification.

Your body is not built to carry more than a couple of pounds over the normal weight. You can find your normal weight by calculation your BIM (body mass index), search "BIM Calculator" in Google and you will find a free tool for that.

If you are in the Obesity range, you have some work to do.

First I want to tell you that weight problems are psychological. Overeating is a behavior that helps you manage your emotions. Do you remember your emotional state when you ate more than you needed? You probably were anxious or nervous, some kind of negative feeling.

That is the problem. The vast majority of people that lose weight put it back over the course of a year. And some more to be sure.

So to be able to lose weight you need to do one or more of these three things:

  1. Eliminate stress in your life or other sources of negative emotion.
  2. Go to a therapist and discover what unprocessed trauma triggers your overeating.
  3. Replace eating as a coping mechanism with a healthy variant.

Easier said than done, ey? I am sorry, this is not easy. Freedom isn’t easy…

Everyone can have a normal weight, even if you have genetic predispositions or a computer job.

The key is to scatter the exercise all over your day. Don't try to run for an hour and exhaust yourself. This will only make you quit and hate exercising. Instead, create a routine. Create ORDER

Every hour, stand up and get a tea. Stretch a bit. Go the long way where you need to go. Don't use the elevator all the way up, stop 2 or 3 stories down and walk those legs up!

Get a fitness tracker. Even a basic one is good, it will remind you to do these micro workouts and you will not even know when you burn calories.

Replace eating with a workout. The science says that if you are doing exercise your depression level will drop. Your endorphins will spike. This is the same as eating. Now the catch is that working out is hard and you get the feeling good phase after you finish. IF you eat you get the good part while you eat.

What you can do is get some weights. 4kg or whatever you feel capable. When you want to go and open the fridge for a quick snack... stop and use the weights 10 flexes.

Don't have a goal like losing 40 pounds in 1 month. This will make you even more depressed and eager to open the fridge. That goddamn fridge.

Set a trend. Monitor your weight daily with a scale that keeps records. Every week see if the trend is UP DOWN or STEADY. Every time you see that the trend going up, change one thing next week. Say "no more crackers next to my office" or "More eating in the morning and less at dinner" or "replace that Coca-Cola with water" you get the idea. Make one change and one change only for the better. This will not overwhelm you and will improve steadily and permanently.

You will get results in a long period of time but that's ok because your goal is not to lose 40 pounds but to always maintain a trend towards a normal weight. When in doubt, imagine yourself at a normal weight, all the things you will be able to do. Run, sleep comfortably, play with your kids, not getting tired so fast, good knees and straight back, wonderful body image. That’s the life…


fitness / foodtracker are indeed the best way to start. myfitnesspal for exmaple is quite simple. Youll feel better and more sexy with every pound down ;)