♨ Breastfeeding is in the Bible: God Knows Best; How Authentic the Bible is? 🍼

in #health7 years ago (edited)

The subject of breastfeeding is important for mothers.

Some just can’t breastfeed due to various reasons such as adoption, various medications harmful to the child, or mothers who are HIV positive, etc. However, I believe that God is more than able to supply every child's need and He understands anyone’s inability to breastfeed.

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By biological design, infants should be breastfed.

Genesis chapter 49 verse 25 says:

“Even by the God of my father who shall help thee; and by the Almighty, who shall bless thee with the blessings of heaven above, blessings of the deep that lieth under, blessings of the breasts, and of the womb.

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Milk concocted by science was thought to be equal to or even superior to mothers’ breast milk. Starting in the late 1940s, infant breastfeeding began to fall out of favor. By the 1950s, infant formula gained widespread endorsement from the pediatric community and breastfeeding for millions of children and mothers became of thing of the past.
The work of God is beyond comprehension. Have you ever heard of the rooting reflex? It’s a miracle! If a mother simply rubs the newborn’s cheek or rubs the nipple across the child’s lips, the infant will automatically open its mouth and start to nurse! This is an absolutely essential process called the rooting reflex. It has been instinctively built into humans by God the creator.

It is estimated that four of every 1000 infants die because they are not breastfed. At just 1% American birth rate, that computes to approximately 12000 infant deaths a year. For simplicity, let's assume ten thousand deaths a year between 1950 in the year 2000. -That computes to 500,000 infant deaths or over seven times the number of American lives that were lost in the Vietnam war simply due to the lack of breastfeeding! Where are the protesters?

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Fewer than half of American babies are fed exclusively breast milk during their initial stay at the hospital. At the age of 6 months, only 19% receive breastmilk and at the ripe old age of 1 year, only 2%. Now compare that with the global average of children being weaned from the breast at 4.20 years. The American Academy of Pediatrics now weighs in with this recommendation that for babies’ optimal health, mothers should breastfeed for at least a whole year. The benefits of breastfeeding for mother and child are staggering. That list is long and ever increasing.
It has long been established that DHA, which is a fatty acid, is the essential structural ingredient of breastmilk. DHA was lacking in infant formula due to a ban by the FDA. Now, DHA is found in newer formula milk and food supplement for kids. DHA is here for a good reason.

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According to Dr. William C. Douglas, “Breastfed babies have an IQ of 6 to 10 points higher than formula-fed babies. Scientists and nutritional experts attribute this to DHA and omega-3 fatty acid that's an essential structural component of the brain and retina. It's found naturally in mother's milk. ..The World Health Organization and the food and agriculture organization of the United Nations also endorsed the addition of DHA to infant formula. During the last trimester of a pregnancy is when the mother transfers to her baby much of the DHA needed for the development of the brain and nervous system. The DHA content of the mother’s diet is reflected in the amount of DHA passed on to the baby. If the baby is not breastfed at all, it also receives no DHA after birth, impairing neurological development, metal and visual acuity. DHA levels of premature infants are especially low since that last trimester and when born, haven't developed that sucking mechanism, so they are usually bottle-fed."

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According to the American General of Clinical Nutrition, infants who were breastfed have superior eyesight to those who were not. Breastfed children are 50% less likely to get an ear infection to those who are not. Science now knows that breast milk slows down the growth of harmful bacteria in the intestines. Milk inhibits the growth of bacteria in the lungs mouth and nose as well. Research shows that exclusive breastfeeding reduces respiratory infections for the infant’s first four months of life. A 1998 study declares that children breastfed for 6 months have shorter durations of respiratory illnesses such as pneumonia, colds and flu. I found the following excerpt an article written by Dr. RD Russell especially exciting. It reads as follows: The cells in the mother's milk not only attack bacteria that may be harmful to the baby but apparently, they have the ability to produce antibodies that destroy bacteria and viruses as well. Evidently, the infant who is exposed to infections and nurses from its mother also produces changes in the mother's breast within an hour, the next milk contains antibodies and immunoglobulins to protect the baby before the infant exhibits visible symptoms."

An article in the publication called “Mothering” points out that mothers milk has 400 nutrients that cannot be duplicated in the lab. Research suggests that breastfeeding reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome, childhood cancer, diarrheal diseases, lower respiratory infections, ear infections, bacterial infections diabetes disease ulcerative colitis and cavities. In may of 2001 the journal of the American medical association sided to studies which reported breastfeeding not only boost baby's immune systems and brain power but may also Reduce the risk of being overweight.

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Harvard Medical School, in a study of 15,000 babies, found that newborns given formula are 20% more likely to be overweight in adolescence vs their breast-fed counterparts. During another research, when associates began mixing mother's milk and cancer cells together 7 years ago, they weren't looking for a cure for cancer. They were after a way to fight germs. Nevertheless, the immunologist in position at a university in Sweden has discovered that a previously taken for granted component of ordinary human breast milk compels cancer cells, every type of cancer cell tested to die. The American Academy of Pediatrics makes the following recommendations: Human milk is the preferred feeding for virtually all infants including premature and sick newborns. Breastfeeding should begin as soon as possible after birth within the first hour. Newborns should be nursed whenever show signs of hunger, increased alertness or activity, mouthing or rooting. No supplements, water, glucose, formula, etc., should be given to breastfeeding newborns unless for medical reasons. Pacifier should be avoided. Breastfeeding provides ideal nutrition. It is all an infant needs for optimal growth and development for the first 6 months.

Breastfeeding also delivers many benefits to the mother. Nursing moms show reduced risk of premenopausal breast cancer and ovarian cancer.

Isaiah 66:10-13 ESV

“Rejoice with Jerusalem, and be glad for her, all you who love her; rejoice with her in joy, all you who mourn over her; that you may nurse and be satisfied from her consoling breast; that you may drink deeply with delight from her glorious abundance.” For thus says the Lord: “Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river, and the glory of the nations like an overflowing stream; and you shall nurse, you shall be carried upon her hip, and bounced upon her knees. As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you; you shall be comforted in Jerusalem.

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@ hiroyamagishi thanks for sharing it :)

You are absolutely correct pediatricians and hospitals promote so much formula. They even give it free at pediatric appointments.

Strongly agree with your article. And in Religion We (Islam) breastfeed it until the child is 2 years old, the new mother can wean it or no longer give milk (breast milk). Because a lot of benefits in getting the baby.

The power of breast milk is amazing...

I wish grass fed cow's milk could be equally as powerful!

Thanks! Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

U 2 sir. 🤗

Yes of course, breastfeeding is something that God purposed for mothers for the benefit of their babies.. Otherwise the breast milk wouldn't have been there. Israelite mothers who were under God's law used to breast fed their children. So it is very Godly and natural.

Thanks for being here buddy. It reminds me: it goes without saying that it's totally free!

To have a healthy child should be fattened by the mother for at least 6 months, it is terrible that today's medicine advises mothers to give artificial milk

I mean do we seriously have apprehensions regarding breast feeding. It's a blessing. No holy book in this world can deny it.

Breastfeeding is truly a miracle and also an act of love. Much as it can sustain an infant's life from birth to 6 months exclusively with breastmilk, it is also a huge sacrifice for the mother. The initial pain and discomfort, lack of freedom to eat and do she may wish and a lot more, though, are nothing compared to the joy that the feeling of accomplishment can bring.

Yeah, I have seen the hardships and the happiness as well. Thanks for reading my blog.

IMO God set up a pretty good system.

Hi, is highly true that the cromagnon had breast feeding, of course was a mammal. If the bible affirms that (the breast feeding), is not some awesome. This is a result of evolution.

Sir! galing mo saludo ako sayo whoo! galing gumawa ng artikulo