I really like you
I really like green tea. I drink it every day for my health and lose weight. Sometimes I also use it to wash my hair, to make my hair grow healthier. I also really like the taste and aroma, very typical. Maybe you are just like me, really like green tea. Let's discuss it today.
Today, @HealthWizard will discuss beverages that are very beneficial to body health, beauty of skin and hair, Green tea.
Benefits of green tea for health :
- Reduce the risk of getting cancer
The very high antioxidant content helps nourish every cell in our body and avoid the risk of cancer, such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, colorectal cancer, skin cancer.
- Maintain eye health
The tissue in the eye can also absorb the antioxidants found in green tea, epigallocatechin gallate in green tea can penetrate the eye tissue. Epigallocatechin gallate can provide protection against eye disorders such as glaucoma and Alkaloid content and Flavonoids contained in green tea can prevent the arrival of cataract disease.
- Eliminating Acne
The antioxidant content contained in green tea can cure acne. You can consume green tea or use it as a face mask for your acne treatment. Masks made from green tea can clean the pores clogged by dirt and dust.
- Maintain healthy skin
Green tea contains many polyphenols and other antioxidants. By consuming green tea every day will help nourish the skin, prevent you from premature aging, the appearance of fine lines on the face, tighten the skin, eliminate dull on the face.
- Healthy Hair
Consuming green tea can smooth the blood circulation to the head so that hair growth can develop well. In addition, the hair roots become stronger and avoid the loss.
- Can treat asthma
Consuming green tea is also efficacious to prevent swelling, relax the respiratory muscles, and smooth breathing well to avoid asthma. Theophyline content in green tea will work to relax the muscles that support the bronchial tubes, thereby reducing the worst risk of asthma.
It turns out that green tea can also relieve headaches, you simply drink warm green tea and relax, your headache will heal.
I had no idea that green tea helped with acne! I really enjoyed this article and I learned a lot! Thanks for sharing.
You're welcome @beautybulb , there is much science that you will get from @HealthWizard about beauty and health. I hope you want followed @HealthWizard