Know your food series, Day 4- Guava
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This fruit has demonstrated its very essential character and beneficial for the human body, so it should never be neglected. Many people do not know that this fruit brings more health benefits than other famous fruits. Increasing your intake will allow you to stay healthy more easily.
It's the Know your food series in which a food item is selected everyday and it's benefits and nutritional facts will be presented. So food of the day is Guava. Here are some nutritional facts first-
Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)
Energy | 285 kJ (68 kcal) |
Carbohydrates | 14.32 g |
Sugars | 8.92 g |
Dietary fiber | 5.4 g |
Fat | 0.95 g |
Protein | 2.55 g |
Vitamins play many roles in the body. Their main actions are co-enzymatic function and antioxidant and hormonal actions.
Vitamins are involved in 4 major types of functions:
Coenzyme function: the vitamin binds to the enzyme that catalyses a chemical reaction and acts in conjunction with it. For example, vitamin B2 acts as a coenzyme in energy production by glucose oxidation.
The transfer of protons and electrons in the respiratory chain and the neutralization of free radicals which are toxic to the tissues (antioxidant action).
Stabilization of membranes by inhibition of oxidation phenomena.
- A function of hormonal type by triggering the synthesis of an protein.
Vitamins participate in many cell metabolisms by intervening in chemical reactions either as an active agent, or by allowing the reaction between two agents, or by neutralizing the waste of the reaction.
Vitamins | %age | quantity |
Thiamine (B1) | (6%) | 0.067 mg |
Riboflavin (B2) | (3%) | 0.04 mg |
Niacin (B3) | (7%) | 1.084 mg |
Pantothenic acid (B5) | (9%) | 0.451 mg |
Vitamin B6 | (8%) | 0.11 mg |
Folate (B9) | (12%) | 49 μg |
Vitamin C | (275%) | 228.3 mg |
Vitamin K | (2%) | 2.2 μg |
- Minerals are essential to most physiological mechanisms. They must be present in an appropriate balance. The athlete or the active individual must be careful not to miss every day at risk of physical and mental disorder and weariness.
- A balanced diet normally meets our daily needs, but in the event of a food dysfunction or poorly assimilated component, the use of dietary supplements and other mineral complexes can be useful for re-balancing and therefore beneficial to health.
Minerals | %age | quantity |
Calcium | (2%) | 18 mg |
Iron | (2%) | 0.26 mg |
Magnesium | (6%) | 22 mg |
Manganese | (7%) | 0.15 mg |
Phosphorus | (6%) | 40 mg |
Potassium | (9%) | 417 mg |
Sodium | (0%) | 2 mg |
Zinc | (2%) | 0.23 mg |
Health Benefits of Guava
1) Cholesterol Reduction
A study conducted by the Heart Research Laboratory in India showed that people who ate 5-9 guava per day for 3 months reduced their cholesterol by 10%, triglycerides by 8%, blood pressure While increasing their HDL cholesterol (the "good" cholesterol) by 8%.
Foods such as guava are rich in pectin and seem to decrease the amount of cholesterol circulating in the blood, probably by forming a gel in your belly that wipes away the fat and prevents it from being absorbed by the body.
2) Cancer Prevention
The anti-proliferative activity of guava leaf oil on oral cancer is 4.37 times more potent than that of Vincristine (an anti-cancer drug).
Guava is an excellent source of the antioxidant lycopene, and several studies support a reduction in the risk of prostate cancer associated with high lycopene consumption. This antioxidant also inhibits the growth of breast cancer cells. Studies in mice have shown that lycopene removes some of the breast cancer tumors.
3) Anti-inflammation
Preliminary studies on the anti-inflammatory properties of guava leaf extract have indicated that this extract is involved in the inhibition of iNOS and COX-2 (inflammatory agents). It is speculated that the many chemical compounds present in the plant are responsible for the anti-inflammatory effects of the guava leaf extract
4) Acne Control
38 women and men suffering from various types of acne took part in a study that concluded that leaf extract of guavas is beneficial in the treatment of acne
5) Cough Remedy
The anti-cough activity of the guava leaf extract was evaluated in rats and guinea pigs (also known as common guinea pigs, a rodent). The results suggest that this type of leaf extract is recommended as a cough remedy.
6) Treatment of diarrhea
Extracts of essential oil from guava leaves have been tested and have been shown to inhibit diarrhea-causing bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella spp, Escherichia coli (also known as colibacillus or E. coli). The use of extracts of guava leaves is a possible treatment in cases of diarrhea where access to antibiotics is restricted.
A double-blind, randomized clinical trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of a phytomedication product developed from guava leaves for the treatment of adult patients with severe diarrhea showed that the guava product used Has reduced the duration of abdominal pain in these patients.
7) Keeping healthy teeth
Guaijaverin, a flavonoid compound present in guava inhibits the growth of the bacterium Streptococcus mutans, considered a pathogen for dental caries.
8) Fighting diabetes
Guava is an important medicinal plant in tropical and subtropical countries and is widely used in folk medicine. Numerous pharmacological studies have demonstrated the ability of this plant to exhibit anti-diabetic activities, supporting its traditional uses.
Extracts of guava leaves showed significant effects on reducing blood sugar levels in a study of mice. The results of this study also suggest that guava leaf extract can also fight type 2 diabetes.
9) Relieve Constipation
Since this fruit is rich in dietary fiber, it works as a very good laxative and helps to form entrails that cleanse the excretory system and intestine, making excretion perfect. Guava helps to improve our digestive system (provided we do not eat too many seeds, especially large seeds, which can cause constipation in some people
10) Helping to lose weight
People who are looking to lose weight can eat this nutritious fruit to achieve their weight loss goals more easily. Guava helps to lose weight because it is rich in fiber and vitamins, while remaining relatively low in calories and does not bring any cholesterol. It calms hunger easily and so you can avoid overfeeding after eating this fruit.
11) Give a shining complexion to the skin
Guavas improve the appearance of the skin. Using immature leaves and raw fruit in a decoction, and cleansing the skin with it, this will give you a shiny skin. The astringents found in the fruit improve the texture of the skin and keep you away from skin problems.
12) Avoid scurvy
Since this fruit is better than many others when it comes to vitamin C concentration, so it is a good remedy for scurvy caused by vitamin C deficiency
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If guava has all these benefits, why should I wait for eating them as there are lots of guava in my home garden? Thanks for encouraging us to eat guava.
I had no clue guava could be so beneficial for aor bodies. This is now a must have thanks for posting. I like that it helps fight against oxidation in the body. Some great info, I'm following you, cheers!
Thanks for the info.
We have a pineapple guava in the yard. It has yet to bear fruit for us, but at least the flower pedals taste great. :)
Never tried the petals but they must have good taste. Wait joe they will become fruits one day.
Maybe someday.