Want a stroke away from your life, eat this food

in #health7 years ago

A stroke is a state in which a breakdown of the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the brain from blockage or rupture of blood vessels in the brain. According to the data, this disease has shifted the position of heart disease as the number one killer in Indonesia. Initially stroke only occurs in elderly (elderly), but now, due to unhealthy lifestyles of people, stroke can strike even until young age.

Before seeking treatment for this disease, of course, prevention efforts are much better you do. In a recent study showed that eating lots of nitrate-rich vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, and beet can lower the risk of death from stroke or heart attack. During the digestion process, the body will convert the nitrate compound into nitric oxide. This compound serves to relax and widen the blood vessels, which will lower blood pressure.

In one study the researchers studied the diet of 1,226 elderly women who had no signs of fatty plaque (atherosclerosis) in their veins and observed it for 15 years. The result, it was found that the more nitrates of vegetables consumed by these women, the lower the risk of death from cardiovascular disease. In addition, the same team of researchers measured the level of atherosclerosis in the carotid artery (neck) mostly of the same woman. On average, women who consume more nitrate-rich vegetables have a thickening of the carotid artery and lower stroke risk than women who consume less of these foods. Enough with one serving of green leafy vegetables a day - day able to reduce the risk of stroke. Not only that, by applying a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise, avoiding cigarettes and stress will help you avoid this disease.