Know hepatitis A and hepatitis B

in #health7 years ago

Hepatitis has long been a scourge in the midst of Indonesian society because it refers to a deadly disease. Before it's too late, come on, recognize and how to handle it by listening to the full explanation below!

Getting to know Hepatitis

Before discussing about hepatitis A and B first identify the definition of hepatitis itself. Keep in mind that hepatitis comes from two syllables; namely the liver which means liver and itis which means inflammation (inflammation). Therefore, in general, hepatitis can be understood as a disease that triggers the destruction of cells in the liver.

World Health Organization WHO states that at least 400 million people of the world suffer from hepatitis disease; with 1.4 million of them dying of this one disease. In Indonesia alone according to data from Pusdatin Kemenkes & Riskesdas Badan Litbangkes 2013, there are at least 2.9 million people who are confirmed infected with hepatitis. However, these two data can not be a definitive benchmark because many people believe that hepatitis is one of the diseases whose graphics resemble the iceberg phenomenon. That is, the number of patients who come to the hospital or other health centers is less than the actual number of patients.


If seen from the cause, then hepatitis can be grouped into two categories, namely hepatitis due to viral infection and non-viral hepatitis (not triggered by a viral infection).

  • Viral hepatitis

As the name implies, this category is caused by a hepatitis virus infection that attacks the liver. This viral infection then causes inflammation and triggers liver cell damage

  • Non-viral hepatitis

Non-viral hepatitis is triggered by several factors, such as:

Accumulation of chemical compounds in the body derived from the habit of taking certain drugs or health supplements.

The habit of consuming alcoholic beverages.

The existence of abnormalities of the body's immune system. The experts still can not determine why the immune system can turn to attack and trigger the onset of inflammation, injury, until the failure of liver function.


Generally, people with hepatitis will show some common symptoms, such as:

  • Fatigue

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Loss of appetite

  • Fever

  • Skin and eyes are yellow (jaundice)

  • Dense yellow urine (colored like tea water)

  • Upper right abdominal pain.

Getting to Know Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B

Hepatitis A Disease

When compared to other types, hepatitis A can be considered as the mildest type of hepatitis. It is said so because this type generally does not cause chronic infection and can heal by itself

Hepatitis A is caused by hepatitis A virus infection (HAV). This virus is commonly transmitted through oral fecal * a term that refers to the mode of transmission of disease through the consumption of contaminated food or drink feces patients.