Fish recreates the heart!!!!

in #health7 years ago

The people who live near or around water bodies enjoy fish and seafood as their prime food and again enjoy a happy healthy life I must say!

Why? Because for a healthy heart, it's recommended the people have fish at least twice a week, particularly the oily kind like kahawai, mackerel, salmon and sardines. Fish is comparatively common protein source in the famous Blue Zones diet regions - Loma Linda, California, Ikaria, Greece, Sardinia, Italy; Nicoya, Costa Rica and Okinawa, Japan around the earth.

Food value of oily fish is very high. They are impressing sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential nutrients for growth and development. This magical fatty acid is linked to lower risk of heart disease as well. Some people prefer to take omega-3 tablets ignoring other valuable nutrients found in fish like fat-soluble vitamins A and D; iodine, zinc and selenium for brain function and hormone production.

People living in these areas have been found to live the longest and healthiest lives and, despite coming from different parts of the globe and diverse cultures, they share similar eating habits.

Don’t you think we should revisit our diet plan for better days? For me, it's very tough to compromise with diet chart although i need to swith to this fish based chart. What about you? Please comment!