Quick Hacks on How to Stay Mentally Strong & Motivated

in #health7 years ago


There are days where we feel as though everything is hopeless and pointless. Where we have no energy even to open our eyes - yes we all have them. This is normal at times, we get tired or just don't want to do what we have to do.

I have a ritual that I use in order to get through such feelings. This is something that I incorporate into my everyday lifestyle, which really helps to get me going and productive, whether that be at work, with friend or family.

  • Take 15 minutes every morning to simply stay quiet and reflect. Doesn't matter what you think of, just deal with whatever comes to mind or that seems to be lurking in the back. Just think and deal with it.
  • Don't be afraid to say "NO!". There is nothing wrong with saying no if that's what you really feel. I used to be a people pleaser all my life and I noticed that it got me nowhere. Not only was I feeling used and exhausted, but I was conditioning people to expect a yes all the time. The one time that I would actually say "No" because I really couldn't or was physically or mentally unable to deliver, well I was considered a bad person. There is a condition today that has developed, What Have You Done For Me Lately. So there is nothing wrong with saying "No" if you really don't feel like or want to do something. We do things because we want to, not because we have to.
  • Get rid of fear and self-doubt. Again, this is something that goes back to, your are your thoughts. So if you fill your brain with negative thoughts and emotions, well that's who you will become. There is great power in our belief system and that is what pretty much makes us who we are.
  • Focus only on what is in your control. Again, we sometimes get too wrapped up in life and all that is going around us. Life is going to happen the way it sees fit. It doesn't require your permission, so again, take things with a grain of salt and learn to react accordingly.