Misophonia and Trypophobia- MY hatred of sounds and shapes
Definition: Misophonia is defined as "hatred of sound", and is a rarely diagnosed psychiatric disorder in which negative emotions (anger, flight, hatred, disgust) are triggered by specific sounds.
Since I was a young of about 9 years old, certain sounds have severely irritated me. The intensity level is so high that I literally have to grind my teeth not to hit someone with a fist. I almost instantly go into a terrible rage, up tot the point where I could possibly physically attack you. My family members know this and do not dare eat anything close to me. It is a truly unexplainable feeling.
The quickest way to really tense me up is when someone chews ice. I can not stand this sound, and my rev counter immediately jumps into the red when someone chews ice. I get irritated very easily, but this is something that I can not control. I will be dead calm and peaceful, but if a certain sound triggers me I can turn into a real nasty person.
I have always thought that there was something wrong with me until I found some information on the internet. According to my friend Google, doctors are not even sure what causes Misophonia. It might have something to do with the way that you brain interprets sounds. My hearing is fine, so it has nothing to do with my hearing. Here is a list of sounds that triggers my outrage.
- The sound of someone eating with a knife and fork on a plate.
- The sound of someone stirring coffee or tea.
- Someone tapping their fingers.
- Someone eating anything crunchy like crisps, popcorn or ICE.
- Water dripping.
- Grinding of teeth.
This is a weird experience, and I have learned to live with this. I do not however go to the movies as this is something that I actually want to enjoy, and because of the issue with the popcorn, I can't. Funny enough, as this is a sound that irritates most people, screeching sounds like chalk on a board does not bother me at all.
I have recently become aware of my fear of looking at certain shapes. I did not even know that I had this fear, until one of the kids showed me a picture in class, and I could literally not look at this picture. This child must have thought that I was a rude teacher, but I could not look at the picture. I found this very weird as I felt as if I was going to have an anxiety attack. I turned back to my friend Google and found that this weird FEAR actually exists. I can assure you that it is a REAL fear.
Trypophobia is a weird kind of phobia and it can generally be considered as the fear of shapes.
Could you even imagine this? A fear of shapes? How silly is that?? I am not even afraid of spiders, but I am afraid of freaking SHAPES.
For some reason if I see a mime or a clown it has the exact same effect on me.
Mime: the theatrical technique of suggesting action, character, or emotion without words, using only gesture, expression, and movement.
Is there anyone else with similar fears? I would really like to have a discussion about this. Obviously so that I know I am not the only crazy one here on Steemit!
Thank you for reading.
If you enjoyed this, please follow me @giantbear
How about that sound of someone drinking something and you can hear them swallow? Or someone with a frog in their throat and they don't clear it (even the sound of them clearing it gets me)? Another one of favorites is a dog biting at its fleas or licking it's... well you know that sound.... #$%@^#&@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you @ollie7. This will be haunting me today....LOL!!!!!
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This is truly amazing!! thank you for this share @giantbear