RO/EN How to make homemade raw Sea Buckthorn juice

in #health7 years ago (edited)

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Dupa vremea asta friguroasa ar fi bine sa ne pregatim pentru gripa ce va urma. O modalitate incredibil de simpla de a preveni gripa este sa consumam suc crud de catina facut in casa.

Daca te gandesti ca poti face lucruri mai bune cu timpul tau (decat sa faci sucul) haide sa facem cateva calcule:

  • 1kg de catina vrac (din supermarket/hipermarket) costa intre 12 si 18 lei
  • Un bidon de 500 de mililitri de suc PASTEURIZAT de catina (in supermarket/hipermarket) costa minim30 lei.
  • 12 pastile de Nurofen raceala si gripa costa minim 12.5 lei + 3 pliculete de Fervex 4.5 lei + vitamina C 10 lei =>27 lei

Patru zile de gripa te costa cat?

Hai sa facem o analiza SWOT pentru cele 3 variante.

After this cold weather we had it would be wise to prepare ourselves for the flu that will come. One incredibly simple way to prevent the flu is to drink homemade raw sea buckthorn juice.

If you think you can do better things with your free time (instead of making the juice) let's make some calculations:

  • 1kg (2.2 pounds) of sea buckthorn sold in bulk (sold in supermarket/hipermarket) costs between 2,57 euro/3.16 USD and 3.86 euro/4.74 USD
  • One 16.9oz bottle of pasteurized sea buckthorn juice (sold in supermarket/hipermarket) costs at least 7.51 euro/ 9.23 USD
  • Pharmaceutical medicine for treating the flu costs at least 5.79 euro/7.12 USD

How much does 4 days of flu costs you?

Let's do a SWOT analysis for the 3 possibilities

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Fiecare alege varianta ce i se potriveste...

Sa incepem

Everybody chooses whatever suits them...

Lets begin

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Primul pas este sa alegem bobitele de catina de impuritatile ce vin cu ele: crengute, scoarta. frunze si posibile insecte. In procesu de recoltare portiuni de crengi cu fructe pe ele se taie in bucati mai mici si se congeleaza dupa care sunt scuturate mecanic. Aceasta este cea mai simpla metoda de recoltare, metoda clasica de cules cu mana bobita cu bobita este foarte dificila, productivitatea per zi fiind intre 6 si 8 kg per muncitor.
The first step is to gather the stick, bark, leaves and possible insects you might find. In the process of picking the sea buckthorn berries, the branches with fruits are cut into smaller pieces and put into large freezers, after which the farmer uses a mechanical shaker to detach the berries from the branches. This is the simplest way of harvesting them, the classical way of harvesting them by hand is very difficult, one person can pick only 6-8 kg (13.22-17.63 pounds) of fruct per day.

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Ia uite ce am gasit aici! Buna ziua mica gargarita ce cauti tu acolo?

Hey look what i've found! Hy little ladybug what are you doing there?

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Apoi fructele se spala

Then we wash the fruits.

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In blender se pune o ceasca de apa, dupa care punem o anumita cantitate de fructe in functie de puterea blenderului.

You put a cup of water inside the blender, and a certain amount of fruits that you're blender can handle.

Dupa aproximativ 30 de secunde, bobitele sunt sfarmate si foarte putine seminte au fost taiate de catre lame. Daca le tocam prea mult, putem macina semintele iar sucul va avea un gust putin amarui

Folosind o strecuratoare si o lingura separam coaja si semintele de suc.

Sucul este gata! Pentru a-l pastra fara a exista vreun pericol de fermentare cel mai bine este sa-l punem in tavite de cuburi de gheata ori si mai bine in pungi speciale pentru cuburi de gheata.

After 30 seconds or less, the berries are turned into a paste and just a small amount of seeds were cut into small pieces. If you grind alot of the seeds the juice will have a bitter taste.

Using a tea strainer and a spoon separate the juice from the seeds and pulp.

The juice is ready! In order to keep it without fermenting, the best things to do is to freeze it in ice trays ore even better in those special ice bags.

Dupa ce a inghetat (aproximativ 12 ore) putem pune cate un cub in cana de ceai preferat ori in termosul cu ceai cu care plecam la munca.

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Gustul sucului crud este astringent, placut, foarte putin dulce. Nu este pentru oricine dar trebuie incercat cel putin odata in viata.

After it's frozen (it takes about 12 hours) just add one ice cube to your favorite tea, or put one ice cube in the thermos with tea that you are taking at work with you.

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The taste of the raw juice is astringent, pleasant, and slightly sweet. It is not for everybody but you should try it at least once in your lifetime.

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If you are interested in joining me in my adventures follow my blog, were we are going to experiment with different styles of urban agriculture, propagate different plants from the wilderness , build orchards, create tools, understand ecosystems and create communities.

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Hippocrates


Really great tutorial. I am going to have to remember this for when I start getting a good crop off of my trees.

I don't resteem much but I think this deserves to be shared!

Thanks! I'm happy that the things i do and share might help people.
Thank you for the reesteem.

Bun, Bun! :) Și eu folosesc cătina pusă la macerat cu miere.
Foarte funny tabelul cu pro/cons :))

Merci! Tocmai am observat ca am uitat sa scriu la oportunitati la sucul cumparata din magazin ,, Te poti indragosti de casiera de la supermarket". :))

Exista si aceasta oportunitate...

:)) Asta se poate întampla oricând (mai des sau mai rar, depinde de fiecare)

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Multumesc pentru Reteta, Great information I follow your page