Boycott Fluoride (Ingredients for Over 5 Simple DIY Tooth Paste Below)

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Feel free to share this information with family & friends who still use regular toothpaste. Those who always start their arguments with:
"But but... my dentist said..."

There are plenty of good toothpastes on the market which are fluoride-free, however, some of these fluoride-free toothpastes still have carcinogenics, like Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) ..
So making your own might be the healthiest, tastiest, and simplest solution (scroll to the bottom of the post for the list of DIY toothpastes, and each ingredient's oral benefits).

How do people still believe that hazardous chemical waste (like fluoride & SLS), could be good for their teeth? They voluntarily place large amounts of toxic waste in their mouths (the largest opening to their organs), and no one thinks this is odd..?
The high doses of sugar in foods is what causes decay and dental problems of all kinds, not the "lack of fluoride".

We must let go of the outdated & inaccurate school programming.
We've been duped for ages, with arguments like "fluoride occurs naturally", and since people don't know the difference between sodium fluoride and calcium fluoride, no one cares to question what they don't know.. (question everything- even what I'm writing).
Form your own opinion by researching it yourself, objectively.
Search for: Fluoride + Lancet Medical Journal.. and the information will do the work for you.

Just be sure to open the following doors:
-fluoride reduces IQ in children (Harvard study)
-dangerous neurotoxin (Lancet Medical Journal)
-fluoride calcifies pineal gland
-fluoride causes brain damage, tooth decay, skeletal fluorosis, etc..
-US profits from becoming dumping ground for China's chemical waste (sodium fluoride) - creating a business out of poisoning the public..

*keep scrolling to see the DIY healthy toothpastes

And the list goes on...

Mainstream toothpastes contain these other highly toxic ingredients as well.

Triclosan is a pesticide, a hormone disruptor, weakens the immune system, and is known to cause developmental and reproductive toxicity. Triclosan causes abnormal endocrine system/thyroid hormone signaling.
Artificial Colorings used in toothpastes are linked to ADHD and hyperactivity in children. A toxic marketing tool used to pull people in with bright colors.
Titanium Dioxide is solely added to whiten toothpaste. The FDA still claims it's a non-toxic substance, even though it's been linked to Alzheimer's Disease, Epilepsy, Autistic Disorders, etc.
Glycerin, when ingested, can cause side effects including headaches, dizziness, bloating, nausea, vomiting, thirst, and diarrhea. Remember, these toxins are all easily absorbed by the gums and directly into the bloodstream.
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) is a foaming agent & emulsifier, used in many personal care products, like shampoos toothpastes, soaps, etc. It's also a known carcinogenic which accumulates and causes harmful dermatological effects, hair loss, and even acute & chronic toxicity.
SLS is disguised under different names, with minor alterations of the chemical. So don't be fooled if you see any of the following names listed instead: sodium dodecyl sulfate, sulfuric acid, monododecyl ester, sodium salt, sodium salt sulfuric acid, sodium dodecyl sulfate, aquarex me or aquarex methyl.

Simple 2 Ingredient DIY Toothpaste

I have listed other toothpaste ingredients, like be below as well.
If you want the fresh minty flavor, add a couple drops of your favorite essential oil to the mix. Peppermint is most frequently used in my pastes.

Organic coconut oil & clean baking soda. Mix the two and get brushin'!

Keep in mind that generic brands usually have significant amounts of aluminum in their baking soda, and you don't want to switch from chemicals to heavy metals. Try to find brands which clearly state they're aluminum-free.

Not only does baking soda help the Ph balance, it whitens, freshens, and removes plaque deposits from teeth.
Plaque deposits usually contribute to tooth decay.
If you start with just introducing baking soda to your regular brushing (or even after), you'll definitely notice an improvement in your overall dental health.
Coconut oil has antibacterial properties which help keep harmful bacteria in check, and helps protect the enamel.

I also recommend oil pulling with coconut oil, as do most people who are dumping fluoride. Yet dentists still tell their patients to use green chemical cocktails, like Listerine..
Did you know that cockroaches can survive a nuclear blast but Listerine (even diluted with water) definitely kills them? And that's what parents unknowingly tell their kids to gargle with.. because "their dentist recommended it". Makes you think, huh..

For a simpler and better solution to gargling toxic waste, try oil pulling. Gargle and swirl around 1-2 tablespoon of coconut oil, hemp-seed oil, or sesame seed oil, in your mouth for 15-25 minutes, then spit.
Works wonders for the breath, heals the gums, pulls out toxins, and protects the enamel of the teeth.

Other DIY Toothpastes

You can mix each of the following ingredients with coconut oil, or even a combination of them:

  • Activated Charcoal (whitens and binds to toxins, as it removes them from the mouth and body)
  • Bentonite Clay (whitens, and contains antibacterial properties)
  • Sea Salt (I would recommend a few pinches of the salt, as an addition to one or more of the other ingredients)
  • Turmeric Powder (a great whitener with anti-plaque, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties)
  • Crushed Cacao Nibs(the compounds in cacao beans promote remineralization of the teeth. Depending on the size of the cacao grains, it's also a safe abrasive to break up biofilm.

Last but not least, dry brushing. Dry brushing is a wonderful way of removing plaque, before introducing water and homemade paste.

Happy Brushing!

Feel free to re-steem this post, and share it with your friends & family who are still using toxic toothpaste.

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No kidding, fluoride has to go. The use to talk about it like it were some sort of vitamin.

I would also recommend this formula too. If you want something really good, this is the best combination I have found. The ingredients have other purposes too. I had these around the house already, I needed only to add mer powder. Taste really good though.

Consider Celtic Salt instead of himalayan (for general consumption around the house). Also, we ended up using about 1/2 the amount of salt he calls for in the video (just going on taste)..

Great video man. With people worring that fluoride is already in your system i have some info to share thats working for me.
There are some natural things that you can do that will help protect the body as well as the teeth. Cocconut oil is great for teeth and fixing cavities. But this picture has it all in my opinion. Also some kool information on detoxing fluoride from your system. But tamarand is so awesome, and it taste good. Great stuff. Take care


Amazing video! Thank you for sharing it :)

I love mixing activated charcoal with bentonite clay.. such a great feeling! Thanks for sharing 💕

Thank you for re-steeming it :)

Going to mix some coconut oil and soda right now! What do you think about adding a drop of peppermint oil?

Happy to hear! Yes, essential oils like peppermint, are an amazing addition.

I will do this in the future, thank you!

Love this post great job. Your toothpaste recommandations are great, i use 3 of them. Just an Awesome job. I love me some tamarind for my floride detox.

You are very welcome. Good luck with all your future endevors

Congratulations, your post has been featured in issue #3 of The Make It Healthy Project MAGAZINE!

wow, thank you so much!