On Safe Removal or Replacement of Amalgam FillingssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Earlier this week, we released some posts on the dangers of some materials used during dental work. 

We talked about the use of the neurotoxin fluoride here, but the bigger danger at the dental office is actually metal amalgam fillings, which are approximately 50% mercury, one of the most toxic elements known to man.

image source

The post raised some questions about the proper way to deal with these type of fillings if you do have them, and we strive to present solutions to any problems we note. 

So here are some helpful steps to get you moving in the right direction if you want to remove the toxic amalgam fillings from your mouth to retain or regain your health! 

1.) First and foremost, you have to make sure you are healthy enough to have the fillings either A) removed or B) replaced. 

Even with a safe removal there can still be small amounts of mercury vapor that the body will reabsorb. This can be a very high concentration for someone who is already ill with other symptoms. 

It is important to work with a genuine healthcare provider who has the knowledge and experience to help you become healthy enough to deal with the detox side effects of a safe removal of mercury fillings--this is not usually a "traditional" family MD. Most western medicine doctors have very limited knowledge on the topic of mercury poisoning or safe removal procedures. 

In many cases, the biggest factor you can do to increase your health prior to removal/replacement is a change in diet and addition of supplements that support the area of the body that mercury affects the most. We will be talking more about these dietary changes and supplements in an upcoming post, but you definitely want to be taking nascent iodine asap.

Iodine is a required nutrient that you are already supposed to be consuming every single day for a whole bunch of reasons. It supports metabolism and proper hormone function, and it also detoxes heavy metals like mercury! Learn more about nascent iodine here.

2.) Next step is to find a dentist that does safe removal of amalgam fillings. 

You can call dentists in your local area and ask them if they participate in the IAOMT The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) protocol recommendations, also know as Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique (SMART).

Or, you can check the IAOMT database of dentists: https://iaomt.org/safe-removal-amalgam-fillings/
It is not a complete list--there are more dentists who practice SMART but are not listed, but it is frequently updated.

Please keep in mind when looking for a dentist that if cost is an issue, then it may better suit your needs to call many dentists in many different states or even countries. Some dentists offer the same repairs at a fraction of the price of another dentist. There are instances where a plane ticket to another location saves you a lot more money than trying to have the work done locally.

3.) Develop a plan of action with your dentist. If fillings will be replaced, talk about what materials will be used. 

Sometimes BPA is used in some of the materials, and that is not something most people would want to replace mercury with. 

In some cases you may even want to have some testing done beforehand to find out if you are sensitive to any other materials the dentist will use. If your dentist does this testing, then they can give you the details about which lab they use and the cost for the testing. If you can afford it, the testing is a good idea so you know for your own benefit if there are any other chemicals or materials you might have an adverse reaction too, as it would be a waste of money to have your amalgam fillings replaced with something else that could still be causing health issues. http://copublications.greenfacts.org/en/dental-amalgam/l-3/5-health-effects-alternative-materials.htm

4.) Once you get an idea from your dentist how much work needs to be done, bring that information to a genuine healthcare provider to come up with the best course of action for removal that will have the least impact to your health. 

In some cases that may be removing an entire tooth instead of trying to repair it. Everyone's situation is slightly different, so the specifics for both your doctor and dentist are very important.

5.) Once you are in good enough health to start the removal, it is very important to make sure you are supporting all the body’s detox pathways. 

Even if you are in seemingly good health and have no major issues to speak of, you still want to support your body during the detox efforts as much as possible. We will discuss detoxing in greater detail in an upcoming post.

6.) Make sure that your dentist does the removal by quadrants with about a month of rest time in-between.

This allows time for observation to see how much you are detoxing or if there are adverse reactions to the removal or replacement of the amalgam fillings.

7.) Last but definitely not least make sure the recommended steps of SMART (Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique) are actually being followed in the office! 

This includes the safe handling, ventilation, equipment, and other procedures for the dentist to use when removing mercury fillings. 

The protocol can be found at their website: https://iaomt.org/safe-removal-amalgam-fillings/

In summary, if you want those 50% mercury amalgam fillings out of your head:

  1. Get healthy.
  2. Find a dentist with SMART experience removing mercury.
  3. Develop a plan of action with your dentist, and find out what materials will be used.
  4. Work with a genuine healthcare provider to protect your body during the removal & detox.
  5. Support the body's detox pathways.
  6. Work by quadrant.
  7. Make sure the office does observe the SMART protocol! 

We hope this will inspire you to do additional research and work towards the best possible health for yourself!  

For additional resources on this topic please check out some of these links and the ones above:






About no. 6, if working with a dentist who follow the protocol from the IAOMT, I wouldn't mind to much not working with quadrant. But as you said everyone is different.

Amalgams create galvanic current (electric current), just like a battery create current. These currents have been registered to be stronger than the naturally occurring current in our brain by up to 1000 times.

Anyone who has health issues need to realize this and the chemical toxicity from the 24/7 off gassing of mercury cannot be ignored.

These amalgams are injuring the health of millions.

After investigating this subject for hundreds of hours I'd say mercury amalgams or one of the single biggest treat to human health today.

@gardenofeden previous post on the subject is a good place to begin learning on the subject.

Is Your Dentist Poisoning You?

Thanks again for your valuable contribution to this topic, @teamsteem!

This is indeed a huge problem, which is why it is so so important to share the solutions we find.

Very grateful that you are sharing your knowledge, experience, and your references on the subject here on the blockchain as well. That integrity speaks for itself!

Another very beneficial contribution @teamsteem !
Go team go∞§∞

I didn't do mine by quadrant, even though I had a safe removal, and it overloaded my nervous system which caused me more issues :-(

Did you had a lot a them? And have the issues came to pass?

I didn't do mine by quadrant, got sick a bit during a couple days after removing them but I recovered really fast and what much better there after.

@teamsteem I had 15 filling total, ended up having 6 of them pulled. After the first 10 were done - not by quadrant, I got so sick I had to stop and wait an entire year before I could have the last 5 done because I was so ill again. I was having very strange episodes where my nervous system would just freak out and I would shake uncontrollably for hours and hours. It was like a nervous system seizure except I was awake and in a ton of pain. I finally found a naturalist doctor who told me I messed up my meridians or some type of chinese medicine by not doing it by quadrant. He told me about this stuff called nerve fix and told me to take body bio oil and coconut oil 3 times a day to help. I stopped having the episodes after taking this stuff but but I have to keep taking it. That was in 2015 and I'm still taking it but I was finally able to cut the oil from three times a day down to two times a day.

I'm sorry to hear that. I seriously hope you're doing better.

Yes I am doing much better thank you @teamsteem! Being here @gardenofeden has helped me more than anything so far. I can work on both my physical and mental health here. Most people won't acknowledge it, but there is a lot of emotional strain and trauma that goes into the effect these mercury fillings have. Most people get accused of being crazy and lose relationships with their family which is devastating. Many people end up very isolated, because let's face it people who are "sick" or in pain all the time are not much fun to be around. Not to mention half of us are wondering if we are actually losing our minds lol. We have all our doctors and family telling us there is nothing wrong with us, but our own innate knowledge is trying to warn us something is very wrong. It is a sad state of affairs. Someday I would really like to start a nonprofit corporation to help people in these types of situations.

Yeah, I never understood how it makes sense to drill through all this good bone to put Mercury in to fill it, Either. It is counter intuitive to the idea of dentistry to destroy the tooth in order to hide a small cavity. Lol. Then top it with Mercury. Yum.

I will never understand how the American Dental Association would have allowed mercury to be used in fillings even after it was commonly known to be harmful to human health.

Centralized systems are corrupt, they can have their hidden agenda to do this to people!

That's why humanity need to desperately the blockchain in all areas of life!

This is a great question. The only answer I can come up with that makes sense is because the institutions of power and control actually want people to be sick so they are easier to control through dependency.
Lots of other facts of life prove this logic also......

Me too.

They allow sodium flouride in our water, and lithium in our air, too.

I have tried to read your posts on the topic and look at the linked websites, it is still unclear to me, HOW a person know if he/she have poison in the teethes or not?

I wrote a letter to the only dentists that I had in my life, to ask him for what kinds of fillings I have. I suppose if this problem is really as bad as you make it to be, then I can't trust his response?

It has been common practice in modern dentistry in the US and other countries for decades to use amalgam fillings. If you have metal fillings, chances are extremely high that they contain 50% mercury. Even if the dentist calls them a "silver" filling, while that is technically correct because it contains silver and is silver colored, they are not disclosing that it is not pure silver.

Now after decades of exposure we have a population exhibiting signs of mercury poisoning.
Your dentist may or not be up to date with current scientific data that shows these fillings are unsafe, and may be continuing not only outdated but actually harmful practices that you pay them for! It is important to do your own research to gauge whether you can trust his practice.

The information provided here is the tip of the iceberg, and @teamsteem contributed many more valuable references.

If you look in your mouth and see dark metal - they are amalgam fillings. If you see gold then it is gold. If you see what looks mostly like your other teeth light/white in color then you have composite fillings. The dark metal are the ones you really need to be concerned about - or if you have had a root canal you want to ask your dentist if the hole was filled with amalgam after the root was removed. I hope this clears it up for you @lasseehlers.

hey bro @lasseehlers, where are you my friend?
I look for you everyday in my feed and don't find you
I hope your health is good
tell me that you are good bro
I hope you will reply to me
miss your good post my great flat earther friend

Thank you for an informative post. Many of us with a few decades under our belts need to pay attention to our amalgam fillings, and your article has outlined this comprehensively.

Yes! Unfortunately this toxin has been standard procedure in modern dentistry for a really long time, and a lot of people are walking around with poison in their heads.

It's important for dental patients to educate themselves so they can choose the best options for health. We need to talk about this so people become aware!

So great to hear this was practical and valuable!

I like to see rosy cheeked smiles!

Lovely mental picture 😊

hey there garden. very important info. thank you. had all mine removed.

Hi there, @marionjoe! That's great to hear! Did you notice changes in your health after removal?

i sure did notice. my whole body felt lighter, cleaner. that was 4 years ago now.

Thanks for sharing your experience! This is important stuff to talk about and share on the blockchain.

re: Find a dentist with SMART experience removing mercury.
in australia, the dentists who remove amalgum all use rubber dams, and call themselves "eco dentists"

Thanks for sharing that. The term "biodentistry" is also gaining popularity.

Funny how many things we "the people" do not know yet. And having kids I prefer knowing the truth about "stuff and things" then be fooled.
Thank you for this very valuable information.

VERY good point!

You're welcome, @divaliciouss! Disclosure is where it's at, and it's up to us to spread the knowledge. Thanks for seeing it and standing in support of truth!

@gardenofeden I am a huge fan of "the truth" . I prefer knowing it all. For me that's also a way to be a better mother for my girls. I want to give them a good foundation for when they go into the World and make a life of their own....they know what to do.
Ofcourse they will learn a lot on the way but what I can give to them along the way is the greatest gift I can give as a parent.

I didn't know dentistry could be so interesting! Cool post.

It's very important to look into the practice and know what you're actually having done to your body.

What are the most obvious signs of mercury toxicity? and if i still have small fillings in my teeth is it worth it trying to detox mercury in me or is it just most important i have them removed first safely?

There are tons of signs of mercury poisoning. Here are some of the physical ailments I faced:
As a child I was constantly sick with colds, strep throat (usually once a month during my preteen years), stomach pain/aches almost daily, food sensitivity (especially dairy), and depression. When I got older after the second huge batch of fillings were placed the issues jumped sky high; nodule on my thyroid, weight gain, nervousness, agitation, unfounded anger and rage, anxiety, panic attacks, constant stomach pain, food sensitivity to the point where I couldn't eat more than white rice and chicken broth for two years, headaches, paranoia, light and sound sensitivity, weird lightning headaches that would flash across my brain many times a day (once I even lost my eye sight for a few minutes when I had one of these), all the beginning symptoms of someone with Alzheimer's, constant body aches, fibromyalgia, crippling depression, couldn't stand the smell of any chemicals especially perfume, couldn't wear any make up because of all the toxic carcinogens in it, couldn't be around any household chemical smells, very sad and feeling like a black cloud was over me all the time. Just a general sense of not feeling "right" or well. I couldn't concentrate and would forget things in a matter of a moment.
I have been using a natural method of detox, both before and after having my fillings removed and I had 15 of them at one point. There is a guy named Anthony William, they call him the medical medium. Weather you believe how he gets his information is true or not, everything I have used from his first book about chronic illness to heal - for both me and my children - has worked very very well.

Do you see the sicknesses like basic colds coming from an electrical balance that's mercury getting in the way or normal body functioning? Or maybe its also that metal killing beneficial bacteria so the bad bacteria overgrow...

I love contemplating, trying to get to the bottom of the reasoning behind such symptoms and our body's health events :)

I also had a throat lump as a child, may silver fillings. No headaches or major symptoms though.

Thank you for all the info, I'm looking up Anthony William now.

That is a great question. I really am not sure because during the last 5 years when I was the sickest from the mercury two things I never had were a cold or the flu lol. It was like so many of my body systems were malfunctioning but at a much worse level than just a cold, perhaps those germs didn't stand a chance. Did you ever have your fillings removed?

Wow, it's an extremely shocking issue. I have heard amalgam filling is not actually good for health but, couldn't imagine that it contains mercury that much. In my childhood, dentists in my town(South Korea) suggested my parents to treat my dental caries with amalgam. Just because they are cheap and the teeth would comes out soon. I'm not sure whether he knew the toxity of amalgam or not...There's two years of military duty in South Korea and amalgam is the default option when we requre dental supports. Damn... thank's for your great article. I should spread it to my friends and family.

Thank you for helping us spread the word!

This is an extremely important issue because as you have experienced, many people are misinformed or worse yet misled as to what is actually in these cheaper fillings.

It is still standard practice to use them in many parts of the world, and unless people wake up and start demanding healthier options, that is unlikely to change any time soon.

It's up to us to talk about it so people are empowered with real knowledge.
Thanks, @bbaddaman!

What a different content you choose. Thank you for the information. I loved it

We live a very alternative life indeed!