Must Read Before Your Next Dentist Visit: Is Your Dentist Poisoning You?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Before you make the next trip into your trusted family dentist for a cleaning or some work, make sure you know the dangers of what is being put into your mouth. 

Modern western dentists apply a variety of chemical compounds to your sensitive oral tissue. Do you really know what they're using?? 

Many people are already aware of or have heard about the potential danger of fluoride not only in dental treatments, and anesthesia, but also in the public water sources. We'll address this important chemical in an upcoming post, but if you don't already know that fluoride is a neurotoxin, then please do some research before you have this "treatment" done at your next dental visit. 

However, the danger you really need to be aware of is mercury. 

Most people are probably thinking, "Mercury? At my dentist visit?" 

Yes! The most concentrated and long lasting form of mercury exposure occurs at the dental office. What most people don't know is that those dark gray fillings called Amalgams, that hundreds of thousands if not millions of people have in their mouthes, are 50% mercury and 50% silver & other metals

Whether you are the person in the chair getting the poison put in or if you just happen to be a bystander in the office while others are being drilled and mercury vapor is flying through the air (video link), either way you are being exposed!

image source

Need to knows about mercury:

1.) It is the second most toxic substance on earth, right below plutonium and right above lead. We learned the hard way the dangers of adding lead into our environment back in the times of Rome, however it wasn't actually banned from household products in the US until 1970. Here we are another 40+ years later still putting an even more toxic substance than lead in our mouths!

2.) Sources of mercury in our environment are solid and vapor substances such as in dental fillings, coal mining, seafood (fish, shellfish, supplements, etc) in the form of methylmercury, household objects like light bulbs and thermometers, some food additives, vaccinations for both adults and children, and last but not least our water and air supply. (Why do you think so many people are allergic to seafood? Perhaps it is not the fish but the toxic material they already have too much of in their body...)


3.) There are even studies underway to show how mercury can be transferred via genetic memory (DNA). Not only do you possibly have whatever mercury you have obtained in your lifetime in your body, but you also have some of your parents', grandparents', and even great grandparents' mercury contamination!

4.) Mercury is transferred from pregnant woman to their babies, not only while in the womb, but also via breast feeding after the child is born.


5.) Once in your body mercury tends to settle in your stomach, kidneys, and brain the most. This causes digestive issues, toxic waste removal issue, and neurological issues for people with mercury exposure. There is a wonderful YouTube video that breaks down the effects of mercury in the mouth and body. You can access it here: 

6.) Mercury can effect so many different body systems that often people with mercury poisoning are accused of having mental disorders or being hypochondriacs, so therefore are ignored by the medical community. 

7.) Some root canals are also filled with mercury before they are capped with a crown or a filling. 

By now, if you have read the information given and watched the video above then you are probably thinking one of two things: "OK I get it mercury is really bad and I won't be going to a dentist that uses mercury." OR, "Oh no! I have some of these metal devils in my mouth--so now what?!" 

If you are being poisoned by amalgam fillings and want them out, you have to make sure you have safe removal so that you are not exposed to more mercury vapor during that process. 

A wonderful resource for safe removal is listed on the International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology website: 

Also make sure that the work to remove mercury is done by quadrant with about a month in between for best recovery method. 

We hope this will inspire you to do additional research on heavy metal poisoning and work towards the best possible health for yourself! 

For additional resources on the topic please check out some of these links:


Nascent iodine is one of the best options for chelating & detoxing heavy metals including mercury, plus it's a required nutrient with a number of important roles in the body!

We don't suggest taking it orally if you have metal fillings. It can be absorbed and utilized by dropping directly on the skin.

For more info, visit this site:

This is one of the most serious health issue of our day.

Mercury has been identified as one of the top 10 most problematic pollutant according to a Blacksmith Institute 2011 study, yet 24/7 off gassing in people's mouth isn't a problem according to health authorities.

Anyone who gave any serious look at the medical literature on the subject will come to a very different conclusion and will also end up seriously questioning the intent or sanity of these same health authorities.

I have so much to say about this subject. Thank you for bring it up. I'll do my fair share to inform people on this subject at some point.

I'd love to see #7 amended. Not all root canals are filled with mercury.

I'll try to share this to try to give this important information more visibility.

Thanks for your input, @teamsteem! This is truly one of the most serious health issues today.
We intend to continue addressing this subject because, as there is an overwhelming amount of evidence out there about the toxicity of mercury, yet it remains standard practice! Some people are not even aware that there is mercury in their mouth!

Thank you for adding so much valuable information! This needs to be discussed so it becomes common knowledge.

Hi @gardenofeden I've published an article about you, check it out, if you can, thanks.

26 Best Steemit Bloggers Of The Day To Follow 31st July 2017

The power of this testimony by journalist Stacy Case is beyond what I can express. (Starts at 2minutes)

wow thanks for sharing!

Study reveals 120+ million exposed to unsafe levels of mercury from fillings

Based on the least conservative of the scenarios evaluated, it was estimated that some 67.2 million Americans would exceed the Hg dose associated with the reference exposure level (REL) of 0.3 μg/m(3) established by the US Environmental Protection Agency; and 122.3 million Americans would exceed the dose associated with the REL of 0.03 μg/m(3) established by the California Environmental Protection Agency.

Very good info to add at the end of this great post from @gardenofeden. Thanks @teamsteem!

Really important supplemental info!!! Thanks indeed, @teamsteem!

Indeed there should be proof of safety before implementing such practices on people. It's unbelievable that even though the proof that amalgams are NOT safe, mercury is still being used on a daily basis--and people are having to pay to get poisoned. I'm grateful that there are some people awakened to these facts and willing to stand up and make a point about it so those who are more complacent and/or in denial will get a chance to have the question raised.

Show me proof it's not😛

Start by researching the links provided.

Also thanks for the editing suggestion, will take that.

OMG @teamsteem though this is so disgusting and horrific thank you so much for sharing and making this important post even better. You truly are a TeamSteem!!
Love you!

Yes @teamsteem!!! Way to chime in and amp up the conversation!! This is a subject that deserves a lot of attention as it affects the health of many, and so many people are unaware. It seems you have done your research and see clearly the detrimental affects of mercury. It's extremely sad that this is standard practice, especially since the evidence clearly shows how dangerous it is. I'm grateful for your presence here and engagement on this post.

No amalgam is used in root canals !

Intentional or not, amalgam can definitely end up in the root canal space.

It" may end up" not intentionally. It is not ised in root canal treatment!

I expressed myself poorly. Root canals aren't filled with amalgams but aren't there tooth with some root canals that can still have amalgams? I'm not 100% sure but I think so.

Yes, there are many people who have had root canals where the hole left behind is filled with amalgam then covered with either the crown or the filling. I think number 7 meant to imply that if your dentist uses amalgam fillings there is a good chance you have some lurking underneath there. I am part of a Facebook group for people trying to detox from this mercury toxicity, since I myself had 15 of them at one point, and I personally know hundreds of people this has happened to. It is inaccurate to say that no amalgam is used in root canals. Most of those people are even sicker because once the root is gone and mercury is in the hole where it used to be then it comes in direct contact with the tissue. Many of these people have very large infections at the site underneath what is left of the tooth.

I just had a cleaning done and was informed that my 2 fillings are made of silver and mercury!
It seems I've been collecting silver since I was a kid and sucking in the mercury too. Maybe that explains alot about me...

You weren't informed beforehand that the metal fillings contained silver and mercury? This is exactly why we share this information, because the "authorities" aka the dentists themselves may not disclose important details, but the science is there to show that mercury is a toxic substance.
There are a lot of side effects to mercury poisoning that greatly affect the body and even personality! We're going to share more posts on this topic in the future, and there's tons of research you can do yourself if you're concerned you might have mercury poisoning.

They may have informed me or my parents, I would have been 7 or 8 at the time I got them.
I'm not too concerned about the mercury, it's the other stuff I deal with every day while servicing cars that worries me.

I was never informed there were mercury in my filings either before I had 15 of them put in. It destroyed my health for a long time.

If you do have amalgam filings currently make sure you do not let the dentist clean them. Evaery time they are touched they release more and more vapor which goes directly to the brain. Look over the IAOMT website for more information on safe removal.

Oh my.

Good post. People should be more aware of the things they put in their mouths and in their teeth!
I can recommend Bio-Compatible Fillings - Read more here:

Thanks for the solution to this problem...
I sometimes wonder when folks talk about "warning, warning" and no pointers to the solution itself; makes me think they just copied some article, but have no idea what they are talking about (?)

The link to the IAOMT site tells you everything you could ever want to know about safe removal :-)

Pulling the teeth is another solution, but no one necessarily wants to lose their teeth.

Thanks for sharing. It is possible to replace amalgam fillings with something less toxic, and there are more and more dentists offering this service. It's very important to choose a dentist competent and capable in this practice, because as you can see from the video, standard dental work releases quite a lot of mercury gas into the mouth as well.

Do u have a dental degree or degree in human sciences ? Just because you read article and don't have experience can't make u able to draw a conclusion it just allows you to give a opinion.

But facts don't care about feelings.

And the facts are amalgam fillings have been used for over 150 years no negative effects.

As for fluoride if u are so scared of it stop drinking tea. Go google it😛

That is absolutely inaccurate to say there are no side effects from amalgam fillings @janus27. I have spent over 28 years of my life very ill from just that. I have done nothing but research these fillings and the side effects they present while in your mouth and after they are out for well over 6 years now, most of the time all day every day when I was too sick to get out of bed and do anything else. I started having fillings put in when I was about 6 or 7 years old and have felt very off with a whole host of illness that followed ever since then. From 2010 to 2014 I sat knocking on deaths door daily while trying to figure out why I was so ill. I saw 28 western medicine doctors who were much more comfortable telling me it was all in my head rather then helping me address the real issue of toxicity. So after tens of thousands of dollars and an entire hellish lifetime (so far), I can say without a doubt that amalgam fillings are detrimental anyone's health who has them. The minute I had my last filling removed it was as if this huge black invisible cloud that had followed above me the majority of my life just blew away and I couldn't stop smiling. I naturally detox more and more each day and my health is returning - but it is a slow process. There is a mountain of actual scientific evidence that shows how awful the effects of amalgam fillings are on the body. One woman finally even won a court case to this point.
As for fluoride - you need to do a lot more than not drink tea if you want to avoid the effects of that.

Yes, we do have an individual with dental experience in our ecovillage.

There is extensive evidence that mercury is toxic to humans, and at very low levels, and there's no question that mercury is used in amalgams.

Fluoride is another topic in itself. Avoiding it in this day and age is not as simple as to stop drinking tea, and it's important to know the side effects of consumption and then question WHY "authorities" would not only use this substance in the first place, but put it in municipal drinking water without citizen consent.

I don't support fluoridation but that is systematical intake. Your post is about topical application!

Our post is about mercury, specifically in fillings. Did you read this?

They dont use fluoride in the water in PA anymore .... Now the kids take multivitamins with fluoride added or have floride given to them in school or at the dentist PLUS what is in toothpaste..

Great comment @nzfxtrader

Great info. I've been aware of the dangers of amalgam fillings and unfortunately have a few myself. The crappy side about it is that (at least here in Europe) it can be immensely expensive to get the fillings removed safely as not many dentists do this. Here in Ireland for instance there are only two who remove them and the average Joe will have a hard time coming up with the money for this. Personally I limited exposure by not letting the dentist place any more amalgam fillings and even had one tooth pulled in order to prevent a root canal. With my kids, I help them to re-mineralize their teeth so hopefully they will never even need to have any work done. I wish I would have known years ago what I know now, I would have never let the dentist touch my teeth. But it's on top of my priority list to have the fillings removed and detox. I think for me it will be a trip to Hungary or elsewhere in Eastern Europe, since dentistry there is a lot cheaper than it is here. Thank you for putting this information out there. Everyone needs to know this!

I hope you'll someday find the money to get this done.

I did have a lot myself and it cost me around 3,000$ Canadian dollars to have them removed. I never regret it. Health is the most important thing and I felt like mercury amalgams were unacceptable. I wish you the best!

Well said @teamsteem so so worth it. Its SOOOSOSOSo sad that they were there to begin with but as you said it was worth it.
It sucks but its better to get it done ASAP and let your body function more properly.
Health is priceless and of the utmost importance!

Removing it is MUCH more dangerous than just leaving it there. It releases many small particles that you swallow or inhale.
I am stunned to see these prices. You should go to Asia. There are good clinics that do the job MUCH cheaper. Even if you include the price of the plane ticket! And that'll get you a free holiday!

I agree, Asia would probably be much cheaper. I'd love to go back there. My problem would be that I would have to bring my kids at least, so a trip to Hungary or anywhere in Eastern Europe would be a lot cheaper in my case.
Their prices are only about a quarter of what they charge in the West of Europe.
By the way I have a lovely dentist here in Ireland who is from Pakistan. He is very much aware of the toxins in pretty much anything he works with. I had to get urgent work done when my youngest son was only a few weeks old. Right away he asked if I was breastfeeding and he then gave me the time to breastfeed in the privacy of his office and pump as much as I could to prevent my son from ingesting the toxins from the anaesthesia. I'm not sure if any of my old dentists would have even asked.

They have never asked me that, but perhaps that has something to do with the fact that I am a man.
No seriously, I don't expect many dentists to think about that. You should stay with that dentist.

agreed :) He's also very much aware that I'm not the bravest when it comes to dentistry and he always manages to calm me down.

Thank @teamsteem you for your well wishes. I am sure I will. It's on top of my list and working hard to put away the needed funds. I'd say if I had the work done here in Ireland, it would come down to about the same amount as you mentioned it cost you. The 2 dentists who do it here are really milking their position I think, because only an initial intake just to see what is needed costs almost EUR 300,-. So I passed on that. In Hungary, the same job would cost me around EUR 1,000. Big difference. Yes, mercury amalgams are unacceptable. The funny thing is that I used to think it was rubbish to give someone silver coloured fillings when I was only about 12 or so. Although at the time I had no idea of course what was in it and what it could do to your body. But still I must have had some kind of sense that it was not a good thing to have.

Yes agreed, everyone needs to know this! Thanks for your input, @misslasvegas. If this was standard information, then stories like yours would not be so common, and even the cost of replacing them would decrease as demand and competition for the service increased.

It's great that you're showing your children accessible ways to activate and protect health! Prevention is key, and lifestyle choices like diet or oil pulling can not only protect from but even potentially reverse damage.

Thanks for this great comment and contribution to this VERY important topic!
Yes it is true you can re mineralize teeth and this is by far the BEST way to go as you need no dentist to do it!
Totally holistic and superior if you can manage the will power and dedication required.

Re-mineralize? Can you share more? Never heard of such a thing! Thanks!

It's possible to reverse some damage and rebuild layers of enamel on a tooth. You need to follow an alkaline diet and cut out sugar and potentially grains. Oil pulling is helpful for oral health; you can swish about a tablespoon of coconut oil around the mouth for 10-20 minutes, then spit it out.

Oil pulling can do wonders for teeth but it should be know that if you have amalgam fillings and you are oil pulling it will release more of the mercury into your body. Depending on the number of fillings you have this can cause very serious issues. I would not suggest oil pulling with mercury fillings still in your mouth.

I agree, it's not great to do oil pulling alone. What I do is oil pulling and first of all make sure you spit it all out and don't swallow anything. Besides this I use diatomaceous earth to bind mercury and any heavy metals to in order to remove from the body.

If you have source information on D earth binding to heavy metals I would really love to review it. I have done a ton of research on this topic but have never come across that. To the best of my knowledge, atlantic dulse is the best binder to mercury because it doesn't ever release it.

If you check out Ramiel Nagel on his website, he has a lot of great information on there. Also as @gardenofeden mentions: oil pulling helps to keep teeth and body healthy. There are a lot of detoxes but you need to research properly because some may make things worse. Diet of course is very important too. I can totally forget about my kids getting into oil pulling, but I can control what they eat and drink, so that's what I do to prevent tooth decay. Tony at HerbsPlusBeadWorks on YouTube has a video about regenerating teeth, he has a lot of other info that is great too. I hope this helps.

Thanks for your response! Sometimes, you just get dealt the bad teeth gene tho. Which, is my case. Haha too bad really!! I will look into this! Thanks again!

Could be yes, but genes can be reversed.

I had all of my 30 year old fillings replaced approximately a year ago and I am a new woman! Praise God I had the money and my husband agreed it was important. I reposted and upvoted. So glad you wrote this one, I would have gotten to it eventually and may still as it is soooo important for people to know about this.
Peace and Love, Melissa

Thanks for making a comment that helps add to this important post!
You made a VERY wise choice and I am so happy to hear your testimony of results!
Hopefully you help other people save their own lives.

I surely hope so !

That's a great testimony; congratulations on your success! Thanks for helping us spread awareness. Would be great to have your story & experience shared on the blockchain to inspire others!

voted for such useful info. I am going to wear the braces.. is this a concern?

Yes. Do not take braces made out of nickel. Nickel is one of the most cancerous alloy there is. Also if you already have other metal in your mouth they will create very strong galvanic currents.

Research this very seriously before having them place. Seriously the galvanic current can be stronger than the current our brain usually works on so these current have nasty consequences.

I agree, and thanks again @teamsteem
Anything dentists do can be dangerous. Your best bet is to find a dentist that is educated on such matters, a holistic type dentist or natural path dentist.

OMG... i am so scared now.

Don't be scared. Now you are empowered with knowledge. Imagine if you would have received this information after having them place. There are braces made out of some polymers I think, at least there is one alternative to the very nasty nickel braces.

By the way dentist will most probably tell you there isn't any problem with nickel braces but just investigate for yourself.

As @quinneaker said, I recommend holistic dentist. Holistic is just a title some dentist have given themselves to differenciate from dentist who don't recognized the scientific literature on the dangers of the use of mercury in dentistry.

I've spent hundreds of hours reading about it. The 2 books covers above are only 2 of more than 5 others well referenced books I've read on the subject.

Also whether or not you already have other metal in your mouth these nickel braces will produce galvanic currents.

I had several fillings already,, but I didn't know what are they made of .... and I am about to start orthodontic treatment soon.. so may I ask what material is safer than nickel?

Yup. Ask them. The safer ones are white and looks better. Well I'm not 100% sure of this but just ask them not to have metal. Just make sure to not be confrontational with them.

If you're saying, nickel is cancerous and lashes out at them, then they'll be very defensive and this won't lead to a good interaction.

Just say you feel better with a safer or more bio-compatible material than nickel. I think there might be some in titanium also which are more bio-compatible but you would still have the problem of 2 metals creating huge galvanic current.

Polymers are very strong nowadays and I'm pretty sure polymers can be used as material for braces.

Here is the reply from my dentist:
The brackets are clear and made from sapphire. The wire components will change throughout the treatment. Andras would be happy to discuss the materials with you at ecah stage and fit a suitable material should you have a preference or any allergies.

I have added a link below with information regarding the braces:

I wouldn't be concerned by sapphire and ceramics. But I think the wire could be in titanium as there is a product named titanium wire on the page.

I know titanium is more bio-compatible than nickel which mean titanium is less toxic than nickel. Anything foreign, implanted in the body will have a level of toxicity. The idea is to find the less toxic option or manageable one.

I think titanium might not be such a problem on the chemical side but the problem would be with the galvanic currents I mentioned and I would asked your orthodontist if they have non metal wired that can be used instead of a metal wire.

The quote below states that 2 different metal in the mouth can lead to electric current 100 to 1000 times stronger than the naturally occurring one in the brain. This can happen from only amalgams as amalgam are made with more than one metal.

Braces will clearly make it worst.

Si 2 différents métaux sont présent dans la bouche un courant galvanique occure. (similaire à ce qui ce produit dans une batterie)

Les amalgames, les couronnes et les broches engeristrent généralement des courant électriques allant de 1 à 100 microampères positif ou négatif en polarité. Les courants naturellement trouvés dans le cerveau s'étendent de 7 à 9 nanoampères donc des courants de 100 à 1000 fois supérieur au courant du cerveau.

Si le cerveau opère à un courant de 6 à 9 nanoampère et que les amalgames bombardent le cerveau avec des courant allant jusqu'à 100 à 1000 fois supérieur au courant du cerveau, il n'est pas surprend de constater que les fonctions du cerveau puisse s'améliore quand les courants excessif sont absent.

Be forwarned that some insurance companies will not pay for the white fillings though for your health you should should avoid the mercury amalgam fillings. I once heard that Dentists have some of the worst cardiovascular disease mortality rates because of inhaling the dust while drilling filled cavities. If you want to know more follow me since I'll likely be writing up on the simple science behind mercury toxicity soon about how it impacts the cardiovascular system, neurotransmitters, and makes free radicals.

Definitely worth an upvote and a resteem :]

Thanks for helping us spread awareness!


excellent post, thank you!

You're welcome!

My mouth felt fucked up for a week the last time I went to the dentist

Yea nasty stuff!