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RE: How Lack of Sleep Can Affect Your Mind and Body

in #health8 years ago

Suffering from sleep apnea my entire life, I know how true this is. I know for a fact if I could just get a good night sleep, my quality of life would be much better. When I get a poor nights sleep it is worst than getting drunk. My eyes burn, a cant think straight, it is probably one of the worst feelings in the world .


Hi, I get sleep apnea sometimes, it sucks get that jerking motion where I feel like my soul is jumping out of my body or I feel paralyzed my eyes are open and I cant move. Scary, hasn't happened to me in a while though. I know what you mean about worst feelings in the world.

I have had the jerking motions as well. But I always thought that, that was caused by the caffeine I had during the day lol. Sleep apnea is a terrible thing to suffer from and I wish you the best on your road to recovery. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

Thank you, you too
its sound like you have it a little worse than me I hope you find a way not to suffer from it. It sucks I know.

I think most people have had that scary paralyzed feeling that wakes them up occasionally, independent of being bothered with sleep apnea. As far as the jerking thing, I'm wondering if you supplement with magnesium (preferrably chelated magnesium gylcinate or another quality form). Most people (Americans especially) are very deficient in it, and it's very important to me as I'm a 5-day a week gym guy. Muscle twitching, especially at night, is a symptom that you may be low on magnesium. Taking it at night helps my sleep, and it is also very clear that I sleep best on nights after a workout that day.

Hi @jimtohelpall
I take magnesium almost everyday and the jumping out of my sleep still remains a mystery, I think its more in more brain and certain fears that cause it. When I jerk out of my sleep I don't know where I am for a few seconds its a really weird feeling, at the time it happens it feels like death. Thank goodness it doesn't happen that often!