RE: Saturated Fat And Heart Disease on Joe Rogan Podcast | Chris Kresser vs Dr. Joel Kahn Part 1
It's funny you think Dr. Kahn is more well spoken. Ever consider he just has the facts on his side? Kresser whole stance is to throw out all the evidence in the world that meat causes erectile dysfunction (heart disease) on bases he "thinks" a well rounded diet including animal products is okay. Sure he has some studies but nothing near the evidence Kahn has. Kresser kept leaning on common sense that a healthy lifestyle choices makes eating meat not as harmful as it would be had you not been working out, getting sun, human interaction etc. Sure Kresser, working out is good for you, but wouldn't working out be even more effective if you weren't eating animal protein? Then Kresser literally sites several industry funded studies. Kresser literally sites a study paid for by the Egg Board in defense of eggs.