The influence and harm of alcohol on the human body
Many people do not see anything wrong with consuming alcohol in the evening, on weekends or on holidays. But few people have a sense of proportion and willpower. And innocuous, at first glance, the hobby turns into a bad habit. This article lists 25 reasons for refusing alcohol, considering the harm of alcohol and its effect on the human body.
1 . Alcohol is the cause of many diseases, meanness, indiscipline, ruined talents, meaningless conflicts and poverty.
2 . It is hard to find a greater evil than alcohol, which would so persistently and ruthlessly upset the health of millions of people, so dramatically destroy all human tissues and organs (especially the cerebral cortex), the mind and personality of a person, leading eventually to an early of death. The insidiousness of this poison lies in the fact that the serious consequences from the harm of alcohol do not come immediately, gradually, imperceptibly.
3 . The following facts speak about the influence of alcohol on a person's life: 50 percent of accidents, 1/3 of suicides, 80 percent of deaths from cancer of the mouth and esophagus are due to alcohol abuse.
4 . As a result of studies conducted using the latest technology, Australian scientists have concluded that both alcoholics and moderately consuming people experience a gradual decrease and shrinkage of the brain. A glass of alcohol destroys 1000-2000 cells in our brain. These data were confirmed in 95% of alcoholics and 85% of moderate users.