Psychological damage in obesity
¿Do you make fun of an obese person when he is in training, striving on a diet to lose weight? ¡DO NOT DO IT! The psychological damage is terrible. Most likely that person desists and fails to achieve their goals. The word is a double-edged power, each person fights an internal battle that no one can see, saying negative comments do not help the person.
Provide support constantly, especially in times of stagnation, where they believe they can not keep losing weight, so they can continue with their plan.

Obesity is a terrible problem nowadays, and where it seems to be something more and more unattainable for people, both young and old. In Latin America it has grown alarmingly. You can contribute a grain of sand by supporting and encouraging those people who want to change their lives to a healthier one, because it is a process that will change their lives completely.