37 Ways To Reduce Your Anxiety - #6 Negative Ions

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Visit a beach, forest or waterfall. These places have the highest concentrations of something called 'negative ions.' Negative ions help release happy chemicals in your brain, such as Serotonin. The release of these chemicals can reduce headaches, sleepiness, anxiety and generally make you feel well.

Positively charged particles in your environment basically create stale air. Using fans and opening your windows, can help keep your environment well ventilated and increase the quantity of negative ions. Having a well ventilated house or office, can improve the quality of air you breathe.

The takeaway from this is to not let the air you breathe become stale. It can change your mood in a negative way. When you hear someone say "I need fresh air," or "I need to get outside," they are likely seeking these negative ions without realising it.

I've created a list of all the things I've done over the last 15 years that have reduced anxiety for myself and for the people I have worked with. I'll share one a day for the next 37 days.

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