Protect Yourself From Chem Trails

in #health8 years ago

The list of harmful, toxic substances infiltrating our food, water and air through chemtrails is staggering.


Pseudomonas fluorescens - Linked with biological warfare, severe blood inflections, coughing fits and vertigo.

Pseudomonas aeruginosa - Associated with pneumonia, bronchitis, ear and eye infections, meningitis, cystic fibrosis and joint and muscle pain along with gastrointestinal disorders.

Mycoplasma fermetans incognitus - A bioengineered pathogen connected with Gulf War illness and chronic fatigue.

Morgellons - Attacks the skin, leading to eventual death. Morgellons is a "mystery" pathogen, as scientists aren't sure whether to classify it as a bacteria or virus.


Ethylene dibromide (EDB) - An EPA-banned toxin that damages the liver and respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Heavy Metals

Cadmium - Carcinogenic. Compromises the cardiovascular, renal, gastrointestinal, neurological, reproductive and respiratory systems.

Nano-aluminum-coated fiberglass (CHAFF) - Impairs brain function. Linked with emotional instability, paranoia, poor memory, irritability, decreased alertness, mood disorders and bad judgment.

Mercury - Damages the nervous, respiratory, digestive, renal and immune systems.

Barium - Promotes cardiac arrhythmias, paralysis, high blood pressure, gastrointestinal disorders and respiratory failure. Barium is also implicated in neurodegenerative diseases like multiple sclerosis.

Unfortunately there is not much you can do to prevent absorption of these poisons into your body, but there are measures you can take to detox the body and stave off serious illness. Besides maintaining a diet rich in organic, non-GMO fruits and vegetables,the following supplements will inhibit the absorption of toxins and flush some of what exists in the body.

Turmeric - Detoxifies the liver to allow for bile production which breaks down fatty tissue (where toxins are stored)

Colloidal Silver -is an anti-bacterial, anti-microbial supplement that boosts the immune system and can heal damaged cellular structures, while promoting regeneration.

Chlorella - Pulls heavy metals from tissue and encapsulates toxins to prevent reabsorption in the digestive tract.

Pectin - Absorbs heavy metals in the intestines and assists with removal.

Cilantro - Eliminates mercury, lead and aluminum from the body.

Kombu seaweed - Rich in heavy metal-absorbing alginate.

Oxygenated silver - Destroys bacteria, viruses and fungus.

Activated charcoal - Binds to heavy metals for safe removal from the body.

As a powerful detoxifier of heavy metals, parasites, pollutants, bacteria, fungi and viruses, bentonite clay is an excellent defense against chemtrails. For internal consumption, only ingest the food grade variety known as calcium bentonite clay. It can also be used in the bath for gentle detoxification through the skin.

Additionally, DMPS (sodium 2,3-dimercaptopropane-l-sulfonate) is a sulfuric acid salt which is extremely effective in removing heavy metals from the body. In laboratory tests, when an intravenous shot of DMPS was given, 90 percent of heavy metals were excreted through the kidneys after 24 hours. Oral supplementation is also an option, although it's considered less effective.

Geoengineering is very real. It is happening everywhere, everyday and it must be stopped! The numbers of people falling ill with serious diseases like cancer, alzheimer's, fibromyalgia and morgellons continues to rise, but until we can expose this for what it is--GENOCIDE--and put an end to it, all we can do is get educated, protect yourself and your family and share this information!

Ken Rohla discusses how to recover from a toxic world filled with GMO foods, chemtrails, wifi, and geo-engineering.


Thanks! I'll follow you too!