Can We Trust FDA (Food and Drug Administration)?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #health7 years ago

I was reading Yale´s news website "", the scitech section, when I saw this article titled "FDA fails to report research misconduct"

This is the the article:

For years, I´ve read about the FDA incompetence. When I say incompetence, I mean, they pottencially have millions of lifes in their hands, and they´ve approved many bad drugs in the past that were later pulled from the market. So I was thinking...Can we keep trusting them?


Do you know the US patent #5676977? Yes, it´s the cure for AIDS. The FDA banned it, saying that it wasn´t a good drug, but they didn´t explain why (this was after some patients cured of HIV thanks to the drug). If you search for a while, you´ll find some cures for AIDS that were found, cured some people, yet weren´t approved.

Don´t forget about food, they´ve approved so many food products which were later banned from many countries. For example Lay´s, Doritos, which contain olestra. Farm-raise salmon (contains glyphosate), drinks made with flame-retardants, milk and dairy containing RGBH, and a long loooong etc. They continue to do this, feed us on garbage.

I think the real question isn´t if we can trust them, but "how much longer must this go on?

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Facundo - @facu


Sometimes I wonder if we are better off without food safety at all!

Here in Argentina, there is no safety control to speak of. I have gotten sick from eating at certain restaurants. But, all in all, the food here is much fresher and tastier. After a while, you just "know where to buy"

Keep posting @facu - we want to see more.

The doctors, pharma and medical world can make more money if the treat the symptoms than if they cure us. Think of $750,00 to treat is verses $300 to cure it. Where is the incentive? So that is why the FDA approves bad food and bad drugs. They are paid off to promote poor health and keep us sick. Has the FDA banned Fluoride lately? No. I doubt they ever will. Yet it dumbs us down and makes us docile. Check out the movie Dr. Strangelove. Have you seen them promoting herbs, minerals or vitamins lately? NO They cannot make money if we are well. It is all about making money. If we are in poor health over crappy food or drugs they shorten our lifespan and make money off us. If we die younger, their expense on us is less and their profit margin is greater. Thanks for sharing.

The CDC, a Government department, owns the Patent for the Ebola Virus.
FDA action to ban cures, Food safety ; it all adds up to one thing - Agenda 21 in action.