What are you thinking about?

in #health7 years ago

There is an opinion that our consciousness and brain determine who we are. The brain is one of the most mysterious and interesting parts of our body. 

  • Every day we have around 70000 thoughts;
  • The left part of our brain controls write and the opposite;
  • On average man's brain is 10% bigger than women's and at the same time has fewer neurons; 
  • Our brain is the "fattiest" organ in our body and is nearly 60 percent fat;
  • It generates about 23 watts of power every day when we are awake.

But did you also know, that the University of Virginia specialists found out that the human brain is starting to age from the age of 27? It is also interesting that the peak of the body's capabilities falls for 22 years when many for some reason prefer not to use them. Is it not strange? 

P.S: What do you think about it?

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