Ivem and Fen ben Cancer cure experiences

in #health10 days ago

Viewers share their experiences of their approaches to cancer treatment.

I am a stage IV metastatic prostate cancer survivor 5 1/2 years now. Menbendazole, ivermectin, atorvastatin, metformin....PSA went from 1900 to undetectable for past 4 years. Oncologist couldn't care less I am still alive. How can we get the word out faster?

My friend's dad had terminal bladder cancer and had months to live. He started taking ivermectin and now he's cancer free within six months.

we have the right to eat sugar, drink alcohol, smoke tobacco, etc. BUT oh NO...don't take a drug we can't make into MONEY!

I believe right to try should not apply to only terminal patients. But it's a start.

My wife just died from cancer. The Drs refused to give her ivermectin.

Whatever happened to "your body"? Not to be sarcastic, but I really mean that.

I first became aware of Ivermectin in 1977 when I was working at a local feed mill, farmers would mix in Ivermectin, which came in 50 lb. bags, in their cattle feed to keep the cows from getting worms!

My dad had TB and the docs were arguing cos it hadnt been trialled. He said ill try it I'm desd anyway and signed for He was the first test case for streptomyacin and survived another 60 years.

Exactly - why the heck should anyone lord it over desperate people

Of course, you are correct. Can you imagine the mindset of someone who does not agree with this? Pure tyranny.

Government should not interfere with being born or dying. These experiences are right out of the hand of God.

Fenbendazole (Fen ben)

Fenbendazole gave a friend 5 more years, she’d been directed to hospice, 30 days later 100% cancer free with fenbendazole.

I have high grade DCIS (Ductal carcinoma in situ), I’ve been using fenben and ivermectin for 6 months and have shrunk my tumour by over a cm

My husband is taking febendazole. He has glioblastoma, stage 4 brain tumor....He was having terrible seizures until he started taking this. Hasn't had one in 16 months. Also now at 3 years with this terminal condition and outlived his 12 months prognosis massively. And he remains well. The tumour simply isn't growing

Fenbendazole cured my dog of "terminal" squamous cell carcinoma. FANTASTIC stuff!!!!! My dog had 2 months to live, I gave her fenben and 2.5 years later she's FINE!!!!

My Mum was given 6 months to live in March, with pancreatic cancer. Refused all treatments and took 222 mg of Fenbendazole 6 days per week. 8 months later is still healthy and tumour has not increased in size. Doctors not interested to know how this happened because she didn’t want their treatments.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I had bladder cancer. I had surgery to remove the tumor. Did six BCG treatments. Never had chemo or radiation. And I started taking fen. Ben. When I went back for my 18-month checkup they thought it came back. They found something in my bladder. They did biopsies. The biopsies all came back negative. Surgeon had them retested because he was convinced that what he saw were cancer cells. Biopsies came back negative. I know that Fen Ben has kept me cancer free now for 2 and 1/2 years. Thank you for sharing this information. I share it with people that are diagnosed with cancer …

I had a friend who was diagnosed with stage 4 throat cancer, had chemo, had radiation and he started taking this. His last checkup. He was told things are in remission and he is singing again. There is an easy way to handle this.

My beloved dog was diagnosed 2 years ago with terminal cancer that had spread widely. She was given at best 6 months, yet she is still with me and happy and healthy. I put her on FenBen right after the diagnosis and I give full credit to the FenBen for her still being here enjoying a good quality of life. No real side effects that I've noticed, perhaps some watery stools on occasion.

Last year, I was diagnosed with a small grade 1 uterine cancer, this was done via biopsy. They gave me quite a bit of time between the diagnosis and my surgery for hysterectomy. They didn't seem to have a big sense of urgency. So I decided to see what I could do on my own to help this.

So I started some natural therapies and also added the Panacur (Fen Ben). About 2 and half months later I had my surgery. They test whilst on the table and also test lymph nodes to make sure all is clear. My pathology report was all clear, no cancer at all! I was the luckiest girl at the cancer center that day. They surmised that the biopsy removed the cancer. That could be true but what are the chances? It could be the initial biopsy was wrong, or the Panacur worked. But who knows? Thank you Dr. Campbell for spreading the word.

My cat has lymphoma and my vet said (almost 5 years ago now) that he should be put down because he only had weeks to live. Took him home and researched and found out about fen ben and he’s doing good! I continue supplements and fen ben
