+ The Importance Of First-Aid Training +

Has it ever happened to you that somebody you know or anybody around you needed emergency medical help and you wished there was something you could do?
A person in need of CPR, choked throat or dislocated shoulder is in front of you and you couldn't do anything?
Here comes the importance of First-Aid training. It is a skill which not only can add wonders to your life survival skills; but can also do wonders for the people around you.
What is First-Aid?
First aid is an immediate and a temporary treatment given to a victim of illness or an accident until a certified medical help arrives.
We all must have done a little First-Aid some time, like putting a band aid on the cut or applying ice on a burnt skin, but a First-Aid gives you knowledge on temporarily handling a situation which will require medical attention.
Did you know not even 1 % of the common population know how to give a CPR, or operate a fire extinguisher for that matter?
With a First-Aid Training you can learn how to immediately handle situations like a human or animal bite, burn, choking, cuts, fractures, handling electric shocked patient, fractures, hand injury, nose bleed, stab and punctured wounds and few other situations like these.
You all must have also heard about first-aid box and with training you can easily learn how and when to use each item in that box.
Where can I learn it?
Internet is a great place to start learning but since it does not gives you ability to practice you might end up testing these on your brother or sister, so I would recommend you joining a training center, there are a lot of free ones like red cross society or you can approach your local community hospital for more details.
This is seriously a skill that you would want to consider learning as it might save some life some day.
All photos are used under creative commons license
I'm aware that learning how to do First Aid is essential. Back when I was in Cheer squad performing for our department, one of my co-dancer had a hard time breathing. I just saw her took a seat on the floor after the performance. So what I did was, I told her to stretch her feet forward and then I straighten up her body so she could breath with ease. Minutes after, she was already okay and was able to smile again.
It was a cheerdancing competition and I'm saying dancer because our skills aren't that good for a pep squad. We were hailed champions by the way. Now I started coaching the squad together with three more coaches and we'll certainly train skills and passion to get there. I'll give extra time in learning first aid. It's necessary because this sport is dangerous but exciting at the same time. ^^
Although internet is a great place to learn first aid training it does not give ability practice.
So in schools and collages, there must be a compulsory first aid training, so everyone especially youth will be well aware of first aid training.
hi @ doctorg ,its a nice post ,after first aid training we can easily handle the situation till the medical help arrive .
Thanks for the post , I really appreciate all the efforts you put in the post .
Great Idea, but I would not be very good as I faint at sight of the red stuff
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if you are ajust a normal human being please take a minute to read what i have to tell you
after the days work, feeling tired because of the hectic deadlines from work and you have been able to reach home after 30 minutes on the train station,
feeling tired you walked into your leaving room to find your two years old daughter on the floor with a hot water that spill on her dress,
you call on friends and family and there was no one to help.
you realize the importance of a first aid kit
if you are reading this it could happen to you so ...
what i want you to do is simple
vote this post if you think am correct it makes me feel better and two @doctorg you are the go-to person
LEARN FIRST AID and get a KIT today
Thanks Doc! I will just refresh my learnings on giving cpr.
Trained first aider here :)
@doctorg I like to add that Emergency treatment trining is vital in light of the fact that we turn out to be more mindful of wellbeing with the assistance empowers you to build tolerant comfort.With the assistance we recognize what to do in a wide range of crises.
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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvoting this reply.
I had a cardiac arrest last year and woke up in the ER, surrounded by nurses telling me how lucky I was. The ‘luck’ that saved my life was multiple people trained in CPR and the use of a defibrillator. Also, I was lucky that this happened at gym, and not when I was out by myself.
This post hits home because I need to get this training for myself.
For now I am very happy to be alive! My heart was revived in less than one minute with no damage to the actual heart (aka hear attack).