Change Up Your Routine: Four Daily Goals

in #health8 years ago (edited)

Every month I like to challenge myself by creating a different routine. I believe that creating a routine, sticking to it, then breaking it, keeps me from feeling like life is monotonous.


The whole idea stemmed from a lesson I learned doing Tai Chi, basically, don't let the energy get stagnant. In the case of tai chi, I was told it meant not to simply cultivate energy but to keep the energy moving and flowing. I've always felt the same was true for daily activities.

This month my daily routines will include:

100 Push-ups / 100 x Sandbag Bicep Curls

The goal here is simply to make sure that everyday I'm working out. This workout is supplementary as I also attend Nerdstrong Gymon a regular basis. If you haven't seen this place watch the video I should add that waking up and doing a short, but somewhat difficult workout has been great for daily energy and creativity, and (for lack of research) I have no science to back it up -- just experience.

1 Hour of Purely Creative Time

This could simply be writing down ideas for stories, roleplaying games, characters, screenplays -- whatever. The idea is to simply have an hour each day of grown-up imagination time.


1 Hour of Writing (Anything)

This could be writing for work, steemit, fun - it doesn't really matter as long as I'm putting words onto a page, virtual or otherwise.


1 Hour of Reading (Anything)

I've written about this before, but I believe that part of being creative is consuming large amounts of information and then taking about it, writing about it, or simply sitting around brainstorming some ideas that flow from whatever was consumed.

Each week, I try to read at least one book, trying not to stick to the same genre. I try to read outside of my comfort zone, you never know where a great idea will come from, and often it's the least expected place.

For anyone reading this, books don't have to be the only source, but this month, for me, it will be.

No matter the source, the point is to consume information, but don't take my word for it, take Joss Whedon's from this interview with Fast Company:

“The last piece of advice on that level is fill the tanks, fill the tanks, fill the tanks. Constantly watch things and things you don’t [normally watch]. Step outside your viewing zone, your reading zone. It’s all fodder but if you only take from one thing then it’ll show.”


30 Minutes of Educational Course / Podcast

I've been addicted to the Great Courses on audible lately. Several months ago I was waking up every day listening to a 30-minute lecture on philosophy and then history. While listening, I'd eat breakfast and then jot down some notes. This month I'm going to kick that routine back into gear.

Let me know what you do to keep your mind and body sharp.


Images: Photo of Decimus by Evokist Photograpy, Write, books, Great Courses