5 Reason Why You Must Try Out CROSSFIT

in #health7 years ago

Some of you might know, heard, don't know or even are doing crossfit already. Crossfit was founded by Greg Glassman and defined as " constantly varied movement performed at high intensity", so why should you join this sport?

1. Healthy lifestyle

Some people will do crossfit early in the morning before work, some will do after work, some even use their lunch break to visit their nearest Crossfit Box, after all we working people especially the one who spent most of the time in front of computer will stuck at bad posture for a very long period, so by doing crossfit, at least you get to increase your mobility, stamina as well as your strength.

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2. ‎Crossfit is a Community

One fun thing about crossfit is the community, the people who do this sports together, everyone will cheer each other and willing to share tips on how to improve. We do enjoy days out doing some camping, charity, hangout and with the fitness you have, extreme sports is a must.

3. Crossfit is a journey

One fun thing about crossfit is that at any given day, you walk to a box the workout will be varies from each other. As a crossfitter, we strive to be better at everything given to us, therefore workout normally doesn't repeat in a long period. Crossfit also incorporate movement from weightlifting, running, swimming, gymnastic, rowing and more, therefore you will be in a non stop learning situation with crossfit. You get to learn how to do the movement as well as how your body react to certain workout.When we are doing crossfit, You and I will not great in something but strive to be good at everything.


4. ‎It can be done by anyone from all walks of life.

Even though it is performed at high intensity, you can scale it down as well. In Crossfit the usual prescribed workout is known as RX, and you can scale it down which means you either do it at lighter weights or with easier movements, therefore the saying I can't do it should not exist in crossfit, let's take an example a prescribe workout might says Muscle Up, an Rx movement, you can always scale it down to many option such as Pull Ups or Band Assisted Pull Up or Even Jumping Pull up and even Ring Row, this sport suits everyone from Kids to Veterans. It can even be a family affair.


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5. Last but definitely not least, it's fun

With loud music playing, pushing through those hard workout, it felt like it will never end, every seconds felt like hours but the moment when you finish the workout, damn, that satisfaction is overwhelming. You are always against yourself ,grinding through the never ending workout, workout that you never thought is possible but pushes through and win the battle against yourself, those satisfaction and feelings of accomplishment is so FUN!!!

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Thanks for reading guys and



I just joined crossfit in November and boy do I love it. I have had the best workouts of my life and learned how to use many muscles I had rarely worked out. Plus as you mentioned, the community. I love going to work out and have the accountability of my peers and box to support me when I struggle. Thanks for sharing your experience.

Totally agree on the muscle part, I was from a bodybuilding background before crossfit.. I used to just doing muscle snatch, strict pull up before.. Was so much slower behind others. Community, love them lot, a bad day will turn great after a crossfit session. 👊 fist bump bro