Exercise Your "Why"

in #health8 years ago

Hey Steemers,

I want to use this post to talk about a couple forms of exercise that I love. I believe that honoring our physical vessels is a critical act of care for our souls. Below I will detail some ways that I love to workout, and what the specific benefits of each are! I'll site any information I've gathered from studies, ect. and point out good sources for further information. Sending love and light!

This counts!

  1. Yoga
    I love yoga because of the importance it places on mind- body connection. It demands awareness of physicality and attention to breath. It involves gentle monitoring how different poses alter our physiological state. There are many ways to practice: vinyasa, bikram, power, iyengar, yin... Each offers a different mix of aerobic, strengthening, balancing, and restorative work. I have found that my posture, core strength, flexibility, and patience have all improved as a result of regular practice. Regardless of which style of practice, all classes end with a savasana, or corpse pose. It involves complete stillness- no gripping mentally or physically. It is so nurturing that I would make a case for doing it every day.
    NCBI study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3303604/ Researchers found that mindfulness- based interventions enabled participants to allocate mental resources to "nonjudgmental attention to present-moment experience" Yoga is ALL about mindfulness, loves- it encourages you to inhabit your body and soul
  2. Hiking
    This is a sustainable source of exercise throughout our lives. Not only this; it provides a cheap way to explore, a connection to neature, and access to insane beauty. I have never felt more in tune with my natural self than when makin' footprints in the dirt. I use it to cultivate social connection and stimulation; I take meditative solo strolls at sunset. Incline keeps my glutes burning and length offers a cardiovascular challenge. There are trails that I associate with certain people, memories, and songs. ALL of these things keep me coming back and moving my body.
    Stanford Study: http://news.stanford.edu/2015/06/30/hiking-mental-health-063015/ Researchers found that participants who walked in "nature settings" had lower activation in areas of the brain associated with depression and rumination
  3. Weightlifting
    My most meatheaded activity, for damn sure. Fun fact: my nickname at work used to be "Beefcake" because I was known as someone who lifted. Regardless of this mockery, I have found it so empowering. It makes me feel strong and badass to be moving weight around. (Btw, I am NOT what you'd call especially strong. But it doesn't matter because the weights I choose are a challenge for me) I have found this to be the form of exercise that most dramatically changes my body. I'm an anatomy nerd, and I find it SO COOL to see new veins pop, muscle boundaries become more defined, and strength increase significantly.
    NCBI study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9927006 This is a review of several studies that found that resistance training was associated with higher bone density over time Osteoporosis affects 1/4 men and 1/2 women! It is a HUGE issue and something to act preventatively towards throughout our lifetimes
  4. Swimming
    I started playing waterpolo at the end of high school and cannot tell you how much I got my booty handed to me. Aquatic activities require a whole different dimension of fitness. Swimming is a low- impact, CHALLENGING workout that stretches and strengthens our muscles. It can be cardiovascular, meditative, competitive... All of the above. As an example, my father has suffered from some sort of chronic pain syndrome for most of my life. He has severe osteoporosis and cannot lift anything heavier than five pounds. However, he can and does swim laps every day. It enables him to maintain muscle, burn calories, and get that enticing endorphin rush.
    Lifehack Blog Post: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/ten-benefits-swimming-you-may-not-know-about.html A long list of benefits backed by scientific data

Also, laughing... Laughing is good too.

I want to emphasize that I believe in moving our bodies every day for reasons that have nothing to do with aesthetic beauty standards. You are SO much more than your body. But the fact of reality is that we feel and function better when we attend to our physical health. There are a multitude of activities out there, each with unique benefits. Do a little of this, a fuckton of that. I encourage trying different things, in a variety of places, and in partnership with those you love. (Sex counts ;) )


Great article! Thanks for sharing :)

Thank you for reading and reaching out!

Awesome post!

Love this article, I can NOT wait for the dreary winter to end! Looking at your pictures gets me psyched for the outdoorsy stuff I miss so much this time of year. Especially since it hasn't even had the decency to snow so I can go skiing!! The one thing I look forward to in winter and nope, just stuck with awful sleet and freezing rain coupled with greyyy skies. Blech. Haha!
Spring can't get here fast enough, it's great posting my fiction but I really look forward to doing some blogging :)

I FEEL ya. I actually love rain /thunder/lightning and definitely snow, but having gray weather for days affects my mood hugely. Gimme all the Vitamin D ;) I look forward to reading your blogs!