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RE: The History Of The Vaccine Court Series

in #health7 years ago

Thanks for continuing with the vaccination court series, @reddust. The criminal conspiracy to handicap populations worldwide and specifically damage American children is absolutely evil. It is my deep hope that some of these medical criminals will be round up in the sweep currently being executed by the Trump administration of people guilty of corruption and abuse that destabilizes a nation. Resteemed! PS-- looks like you have a couple of commenters of the spam variety to bring down the hammer upon!


I pray that the people who enabled this horrible eugenics program on the worlds population are tried in court and jailed for life @dakini5d. I knew that the field of science and medicine were corrupt because of government and corporate grants influencing studies. But I had no idea until after I started research the history of vaccines.... the only word I could come up with is" evil," these people are Evil! They truly profit from the suffering they manifest on the common people.

It is truly kaliyuga...

I drop the flag with metta ;-)