Choose my Plate is Wrong!
Hello Everyone and thank you again for the support and continued interest in the current topic of my blog “Nuance in health”
According to the USDA on the Choose my Plate website, the current dietary recommendation is drink low or fat free milk and yogurt and to lower saturated fat. The USDA advocates for nearly 25% of food intake come from grains. These recommendations come about through pseudoscience and by a panel of “experts.” This panel makes decisions based on what they think and not what the leading edge science has to say.
Reduce Saturated FAT
- According to a study published in British Journal of Medicine the belief that saturated fat increases LDL cholesterol raising your chances of a cardiac event are “Just Plain Wrong.”
- Coronary heart disease is a chronic inflammatory condition which is exacerbated by carbohydrate diet with a high GI( Glycemic Index) response.
- High fat/ low carb diets lower inflammation in the body.
If you goal is to reduce your chances of cardiac events, science would suggest a low-carb diet be the best option. Yet the USDA still has carbohydrates as a cornerstone of a healthy diet even for people with type II diabetes.

For the last 40 years the american guidelines for eating have been low fat and cholesterol and high carb diet. Knowing what we know now, in my opinion, this guideline will go down in history as the gravest error the United States has ever made, both in monetary terms and unnecessary lives lost. Heart disease is leading the way in preventable death in the U.S. The American Heart Association is predicting Cardiovascular Disease to cost the U.S $1.1 Trillion by 2040. It is clear the current health guidelines have done little to control diabetes and (CVD)..
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In the future I am considering releasing this information via DTube. If you would prefer listening and watching vs. reading let me know in the comment section below. There would be a learning curve to the video production, but if more people find it useful receiving the information via that medium then it is worth doing.
Thanks for showing us the light. I've already read and seen some of that and I'm trying to change my dietary habits.
It is a shame it takes science so long to catch up in the medical/heath industry.
Now is our chance to teach our families and more important our children (The new generation) so they don't make those mistakes and for them eat healthy becomes an habit.
That is my goal. I use to eat terrible for a long time. I did this because I did not know what I was actually doing to my body. It is hard to un know the negative effects sugar and carbs have on the body once you do know. Thank you for comment.