Reasons why energy drinks could cause irreparable damage to your health

in #health7 years ago


"Not for children" is the campaign that Chef Jamie Oliver promotes to prohibit the sale of energy drinks to children under 16 ...
"With a better food education, people can make better decisions with what is available to them, wherever they are in the world", are the words of Chef Jamie Oliver, who for some years has constantly promoted a campaign to achieve a better nutrition in schools around the world by changing junk food for healthy food. A food revolution to anticipate childhood obesity and malnutrition, since the figures indicate that 41 million children under five are overweight or obese.

It encourages and believes that teaching people to cook is the way in which they can generate awareness in each person about the way they eat, by appreciating the value of food so that they give their family the most nutritious and fresh. It is important to mention that Jamie created different healthy and easy recipes for people from all over the world to start preparing them.

"69% of all young people aged 10 to 18 in the UK report consuming energy drinks, and a surprising 13% say they drink a whole liter."

The excessive consumption of energy drinks in children encouraged Jamie to campaign to prohibit the sale of these drinks to young people under 16 years of age. The #NotForChildren campaign ("Not for children") has gained strength in social networks, in which the talented chef asks his followers to join the cause by tweeting the UK health secretary to prohibit the sale of such beverages .

The consequences of regular consumption of soft drinks cause obesity, dental caries, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, etc., due to the excessive content of sugar, caffeine, preservatives, dyes, among others. A common can of any 250 ml energy drink is equivalent to almost seven cubes of sugar, exceeding the amount that a child of seven to 10 years should consume in a whole day. Although they have confirmed that many have on their labels that is not suitable for children, it is easy to ignore it because it does not have the weight of a law that restricts the sale; In addition, large deceptive marketing campaigns communicate that the consumption of the drink helps a supposed "mental performance", but the truth is that it is associated with a low use in the classroom; a very common inconvenience with what teachers have to deal with. Some schools have already taken the initiative to ban the sale of beverages, but it is not enough as the weight it would take if this were a law.

"An energizer of 500 ml, is equivalent to 12 teaspoons of sugar and two espresso coffees".

Jamie's actions have already inspired some supermarkets to join this initiative, forbidding the sale so that children and adolescents stop consuming sugary drinks. It is not surprising that the British chef reaches a meeting with the Minister of Health and listens to the ideas to achieve that law that helps and respects the health of children, and thus continue a world food revolution that encourages other countries to be part of of this type of initiatives to make a real change to a healthy lifestyle.

"... the problems we face around food have never been so critical, I will undoubtedly campaign to make sure that food is created with love for the rest of my career." Jamie Oliver.

It is admirable this type of actions, either of public figures or of ordinary human beings that do something so that their voice and their ideas are heard, in a committed and respectful way. Actions that can generate a change in everyone, even in you, now that you read this and become aware of what these drinks cause. Taking lightly our diet makes the disease take things seriously!