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RE: Steem Fitness Experiment

in #health8 years ago

Super Awesome. Thanx for joining us over on steemit dreamit also. I'm big into fitness and exercise. The best therapy. That's such a smart idea to fund someone's 5k. Are you a personal trainer? I'm in physical therapy. Love helping others achieve mobility :)
Resteemed, following


Yeah no problem, thanks for having me. I've been a trainer for awhile. I love it and always will. Watching people succeed is awesome, if I can do it why not?

One thought I had about how to better use this place is to list what we can all offer and things we need or maybe just want to learn. @chelsea88 that is good to know since I might ask you how I can get my shoulder back to normal after an injury a few months back.... and @anabasisfitness , I am sooooo glad to see you on here! I can definitely see you going really far on here! You can do videos on the Blockchain through and upload them here for the ages. Plus if you ever felt like doing a humor post on 'Exercise for New Steemit Users' for when people go through the rabbithole and perhaps lose a week or so of their life to trying to figure this place out and maybe need to stretch and strengthen so they don't burn out. Maybe you two could collab on how to fight 'nerd neck' . Just nice to see how the community is growing in all spheres and directions. Do whatever you like, I'm sure it will be great. See you around! @ecoknowme

Indeed, its awesome to have such a diverse background of people. Pretty sure we have an mba in our group too. :)
Everyone has a unique thing to offer the community. Cute graphic :)

Thanks for the support @ecoknowme, I like your ideas and thanks for the warm welcome.