LSD The Real Limitless Drug - MIcrodosing and New Research

in #health7 years ago

Warning in no way am I telling some one to go trip there balls off, or buy illegal drugs that’s a personal chose if you choose to so be it :).

Research and Uses

The latest research from the Beckley Foundation on LSD(Lysergic acid diethylamideusing)has never been done into now using state of the art equipment. Scientists have used three different brain imaging techniques, named arterial spin labeling, resting state MRI and magnetoencephalography to see the effects of LSD in a whole new way. They have found that brain networks that are responsible for vision, attention, movement and hearing became far more connected, leading to what looked like a more unified brain. Theses scans also show a blood increase through out the brain. The scientist also mentioned there patients having a since of oneness with the world and nature. After the patients psychedelic trip they had an over all since of well being, and happiness that lasted months after treatment. David Nutt "the drug could pull the brain out of thought patterns seen in depression and addiction through its effects on brain network"


Microdosing LSD allows you the experience the increased brain activity without the altered state of reality. Many people in silicon valley and entrepreneur swear by microdosing saying it gives them mental sharpness, increased productivity, the ability to work for hour with out fatigue, and better problem solving skills. Scientist believe LSD allows you to access multiple brain functions that are usually isolated in thought. Amanda Feilding founder of the Beckley Foundation and a leading researcher in the field of psychedelics and consciousness is in the process of proving these statements. I think microdosing has played a major roll In how advanced technology has become In the last 40 years.

What I Want From LSD

Who would like to have an over all since of happens, and motivation that’s lasts around a year or forever, I'll raise my hand for that. I’m always looking for alternative cures for my ailments, instead of shoving a bunch of pills down my throat. Many of us suffer from mental ailments from the stresses of day today life, which bring on feelings of anxiety, depression, and an over all feeling of being over whelmed. For me I feel like I have no new ideas or creativity to bring to the world sometimes, epecically hear on steemit. I want to more ambitions, have a better grasp of the world around me, and fix what ever is mentally holding me back in life. How nice would it be bringing up, figure out everything on your mind, in just 12hrs. This is what i hope LSD can do for.


Trip Duration: 8 to 12hr
Half Life: 2.5 to 5hr
Out of Your System: 2 to 5 days
30 to 40 to take effect
Beuzodiazepines such as lorazepam(Ativan), diazepam(Valium),and alprazolam( Xanax) can curve the effect of LSD
Albert Hofmann synthesized LSD in 1938, but didn't realized the psychedelic effects into 1943. LSD was introduced as a commercial medication for various psychiatric uses in 1947 under medical supervision. In the 50's the CIA thought the drug might be useful in mind control and chemical warfare. The government funded 116 studies before it was outlawed in the 60's do to the growing number of recreational use in the youth culture at the time. In 1973 researchers investigated whether could treat addiction,but because of prohibition LSD research was put on hold up into 2011 when researchers found that it could have therapeutic uses .

Over Dosing

Researchers believe 20,000ug/20mg is a lethal dose for humans which is 200 times the average dose,which is 100ug/0.1mg. Over dosing on LSD is vary rare, you are more likely to die from steroid, tobacco, and cannabis. I thought the cannabis one was funny because who dies from weed.


  • You can go crazy
    This is only true if you have a preexisting mental illness as it can bring it out, or on early.
  • Can cause chromosome damage and birth defects
    There are no know instances of this and Albert Hofmann himself was and avid user and had 4 healthy children.
  • Flash Backs
    Many use report never experience this and the ones that do have flash backs from PTSD because of a traumatic experience.
  • LSD stays in your spinal fluid for ever
    LSD only has a half life of 3.6 hours and is out of your system in only a few day. The active dose is only measured in micro grams, and it is a molecule not a virus.
  • LSD has no medical benefits
    New research is debunking this as you read my post, and science has already proven therapeutic use.

Famous quotes about LSD by famous, rich, and smart individuals

  • “By observing natural scientific discoveries through a perception deepened by meditation, we can develop a new awareness of reality. This awareness could become the bedrock of a spirituality that is not based on the dogmas of a given religion, but on insights into a higher and deeper meaning. I am referring to the ability to recognize, to read, and to understand the firsthand revelations.”
    -Albert Hofmann the father of LSD
  • “The billionaires I know, almost without exception, use hallucinogens on a regular basis. They’re trying to be very disruptive and look at the problems in the world … and ask completely new questions,”
    -Tim Ferriss
  • “Taking LSD was a profound experience, one of the most important things in my life. LSD shows you that there’s another side to the coin, and you can’t remember it when it wears off, but you know it. It reinforced my sense of what was important—creating great things instead of making money, putting things back into the stream of history and of human consciousness as much as I could.”
    -Steve Jobs
  • “As for LSD, I highly recommend it. We had a fine, wild weekend and no trouble at all. The feeling it produces is hard to describe. 'Intensity' is a fair word for it. Try half a cube at first, just sit in the living room and turn on the music - after the kids have gone to bed. But never take it in uncomfortable or socially tense situations. And don't have anybody around whom you don't like.”
    -Hunter S. Thompson

Street Names for Fun

  • California Sunshine
  • Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds
  • Yellow Sunshine
  • Paper Mushrooms
  • Crystal Tea
  • Outerlimits
  • Ten Pack(1,000 dosage units of LSD)
  • An my favorite Electric Kool Aid

This is extremely interesting. I will consider microdosing one of these days after doing a bit more of research!

Try her out i guess it like a trade secret. I think propaganda has made the drug way more scarier than it is. If you have a sound mind you should be fine.

Sometimes I wonder if I have a sound mind at all lol. cheers.

Lol, you're not the only one.

Wow, I am pretty sure LSD fried my Uncles brain and sadly as a result he lost his job with Cesus. LSD is a scary drug.

Your uncle probably had some sort of mental condition already existing in his brain. LSD is scary if misused, of course. Just like a fork, you can stab someone to death with it, but you can also feed yourself with it. Tools are tools, it all depends on how they are used and if the user is educated enough to use them appropriately.

I see. Thanks for the insult. I wasn't trying to insult you. :(. Anyone that takes drugs isn't healthy, me being one of them. The body has enough mechanisms in place to give us all the chemicals we need.

I'm not insulting you or anyone else, so please don't take it that way. I'm just trying to be realistic with factual information.

You could have just said if the drug is abused, it can lead to mental health issues, there was no need to directly attack my family . I don't think my Uncle had issues before using the drug, He worked for cesus which is the Canadain equivalent of the CIA. They only take the top fraction of 1 percent of people in, to be one of their employees. The reality is. He abused LSD and it destroyed his ability to think .

You posted a comment on the internet about your uncle. I commented on that comment on the internet about your uncle. I didn't "attack," anyone. You're obviously fishing for an argument or something, not gonna get it.

Sounds like an old "war story," btw. AKA an excuse. But who knows, because I surely do not.

Whatever makes you feel better. I am not fishing for anything. Your the one that made the original reply. Stop accusing me of nonsense. There are less aggressive approaches to a conversation. That is all that I was saying. Some people can handle their drugs and some people cant.

What did you think was going to happen and if you read the post you might have got a little information

Supposedly, the guys working in silicon valley are micro dosing to increase neural activity and be more productive. Anyway good stuff in there I enjoyed reading it.

Thank you!