FLU - Recovering Naturally

in #health7 years ago

Each year, I am told by my doctor that I need to have the Flu vaccination because of my Asthma. Yet each time I have had the vaccination, I get the flu!

My doctors tell me that this is IMPOSSIBLE! There is no way you can get the flu from the vaccine! So how come it happens every single time?


This winter I decided against the vaccine, but 10 days ago I caught the flu and got a pretty bad dose of it. I have been in bed for a whole week and I am now left with a terrible cough and my Asthma is shocking.

My body feels as though it has had the stuffing knocked out of it and even walking up and down the stairs leaves my legs shaking like jelly.

So I am on the lookout for a natural remedy to help my body recover. What do you guys suggest? Does anyone have the winning formulation to getting your body back on track after a massive dose of flu?

I have been drinking hot orange squash with honey and that has certainly been helping my throat and my cough.


I want to try that natural approach as I am fed up of doctors pumping me full of drugs. I really don't want to have to go to the doctor and ask for antibiotics as I don't think they will help the situation and I feel like my body needs to be fed with pure goodness.

NB I can't have nuts or coconut :)

Thank you for helping!

Thank you to unsplash.com for the free images. Much love, @beautifulbullies xx

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I am glad you chose the naturally method! How are you feeling now @beautifulbullies?

I am still not 100% but I am feeling a little better thank you for asking :)

Medications and vaccines are bad for our health. Unfortunately thats the truth!
I use raw garlic as antibiotic. 3 times a day. Also fresh fruit juices can be helpful. Bless you!

I agree, I usually feel worse when I take medicines! Thanks @hanen! :) How do you usually take your raw garlic?

To get rid of the cold I recommend you to drink tea with honey and lemon or ginger tea. I hope you get well soon. Hugs

Thank you so much :) Yes, I have been doing this and it seems to be working really well :)

in Old They used to rely on natural herbs
I think this is the solution

I've found goldenseal to be a great flu fighter along with juices made with organic apples, ginger, cilantro and garlic and honey syrup (not all together--the garlic, honey, cayenne pepper together though. I hope you find the combo that works for you...

took the flu shot twice got the flu twice, didn't take it and have not had it in years, just makes ya wonder what they are pushing O.o

Me too! every single time! But the docs keep telling their stories

I have had a similar experience with asthma and flu shots. This is the first year I didn't get one. Usually I choose to anyway, but this year I was told the shot does little to prevent the flu. Basically, it was a choice not to go through the flu twice.

It has really hit me this year. My breathing is terrible!

are you off dairy products?

erm no... would that help?

you should see improvement by 3 to 4 weeks, replace the calcium intake with brocoli and juice the kale. read the ingredients of your process food and make sure there is no dairy ingredients in it before buying.
for drinking milk try rice milk or hazelnut milk or almond milk instead of cow.
you have not much to lose here, if it works happy days, like I said 3 to 4 weeks before seeing improvement. if improvement occurs then say goodbye dairy for good ;-) good luck

I'd like to be clear here, I'm saying this for your asthma not for the flu, I think you have plenty of remedies for the flu in other people comments.

Hi @beautifulbullies, Echinacea is a great herb to take, get it in tincture form if you can, it really helps to boost your immune system. Also look into getting high dose vitamin C to help get you back on track. If you can get to a health shop of herbalist get some elderberry tincture or syrup. These three things should really help. I would recommend taking echinacea in the winter time anyhow.
I would go and see a herbalist as well, Their are so many ways to treat ourselves naturally and the 3 I mentioned are great, but as we are all different it's good to see someone who can really treat you and make sure all your health needs are being met. Good luck.

Thank you :) Yes, I will head to my nearest herbal shop! :D

I know that garlic and ginger have some sort of germ killing qualities (I'm writing germ killing to let everyone know that I'm not a doctor). Ginger also helps with nausea as well as migraine head aches. Not being a huge fan of ginger, I've still seen it help many of my friends so therefore I'm writing this. There are also these certain type of ginger shots available in health care departments at grocery stores etc. I suppose a good concoction of honey and ginger (garlic sounds gross to this combo but like I said - I've seen it work) could help.

I hope you'll recover soon enough and that maybe these pointers would help.

Take care!

Kindest regards,

Thank you @Vimma! I have some ginger and garlic so I will get creative with those! :)

Let me know how it worked!

I certainly will! :)