in #health7 years ago

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Lets start with a little bit about myself.

I have been in the Fitness Industry for close to a decade and this story is how it all began.

Close to 10 years ago I was at a cross roads with my life I had moved out of home studying Graphic Design and Multimedia in a new town away from family and friends.

I was young, fit and active, skateboarding everyday having a great time. I essentially took my health for granted. After about 6 months into the move I stopped doing the things I love namely Skateboarding, this coupled with a lack of general direction with Health and Fitness led me to eat all the wrong foods and stack on a whooping 65 kilos.

This weight held on for about 3 years!! I didn't actually recognise that I had a weight issue for that long. I felt happy until one day I didn't. I can't pinpoint what the turning point was but something clicked and I knew that something had to be done.

So a cold Monday morning I stormed into a gym and signed up !! I was pumped for what was coming !! I had my first session with a trainer the follow day and couldn't wait!!
The next day rolls up I spring out of bed and BOOM instant nervousness and anxiety, I realised I was way out of my depth as I had never stepped foot i a gym before. I took me 30 mins of sitting in the car to actually work up the guts to walk in the front door but I made the decision and here we are now!


Now full disclaimer if I could have changed my diet to make things easier, knowing what I know now I would 100% do it!!

How I lost 45 kilos without Dieting !!

I know you are looking for a quick fix to weight issues and you are hoping for some insight into a magic pill or supplement that I took to help me shred the weight so quickly but I hate to break it too you it just doesn't exist.

I took me being in the gym for a minimum of 2 hours a day, 6 days a week to reach the desired result! Nothing can ever beat hard work! Knowledge can make hard work a bit easier but If you want to change and smash some goals hardwork will do it.

I'm not saying you need 6 days and 2 hours a day to get to where you want to go! What I am saying is that with balanced nutrition and a structured training plan it is more than possible to hit your goals.

My journey since starting in the Fitness Industry has been a lot of trial and error. I have trained a lot of aspects of Health and Fitness and loved every minute of it !

At the end of the day it just takes a decision to just make it happen !!!


Thanks for the disclaimer. :) You could have lost so much more with a diet change or tweak.

I'm working on my journey. I'm the fittest i've ever been and can't working hard to become even more fit. :)

That is great to hear !! Yes it took a lot of trial and error and still to this day we are implementing new systems to help with nutrition ! It plays such an important role in Health and Fitness :)

Completely agree. I do crossfit and follow a plant based diet, but still no where near where I should be health wise as a 25 year old.

Good on you @beardedwarrior! Glad to meet you here 😊 I'm too chicken to set foot in a gym myself, so I try to maintain a reasonable healthy life & exercise at home. It doesn't always work! 😆 Looking forward to following your stories mate!

You can achieve so much from training at home is a great stepping stone !! ITs great to hear that you are exercising :)