Fluoride & Other Toxins in Your Municipal Water Supplies Are Poisoning You. They're FULL of Cancerous NeuroToxins & Crap. Here's some VISUAL Proof. Is YOUR Water Supply Polluted Similarly? | Still w. VIDEO Seminar I Appear In. | E.3

in #health7 years ago

Look at the bottom of this glass of tap water that was distilled in my city and see the silt, dirt, and heavy toxins left over! The water is distilled (turned to water vapour) and moves out to another container, and this is left over in the bottom of the container.

It may be different from city to city of course but I am in Canada, east of Toronto where "water quality" is supposed to be good.

We pay ridiculous taxes, for such clean water of course. This is the supposed great Western civilized world where everything is great, shiny ponies and unicorns exist and the government and media looking after us and reporting truth to residents can never do wrong by.......

We the People.

Top Resources for you on this subject today:


Please use the resources here today to learn the issues and the facts before you comment. No matter what side of this you are on.

This is not a conspiracy theory. The chemical and medical evidence and FACTS -- are overwhelming and actually pretty simple.

This poison is being dumped in water supplies worldwide and ruins your health. Short and Sweet.

They will always be here. I may keep blogging on this issue in the future. I've addressed it here before.

We are all in this together.




Resources I own or run where I pulled photos, memes, some info from today along with above sites:


-- https://www.facebook.com/barrydutton/media_set?set=a.10151431831120915.539605.584855914&type=3

-- https://www.facebook.com/FluorideFreeOshawa/

VIDEO: Dr. Paul Connett

- World Renowned Fluoride Expert.

I Appear In & Put This Video Together w. Activists:

The following video is a 2 hour and 13 min. resource I put together.

I drove to Toronto, Ontario, Canada in 2013, to shoot this footage with world renowned anti fluoride activist Dr. Paul Connett of the Fluoride Action Network ( http://fluoridealert.org/ )

I have run the Fluoride Free Oshawa group for years and have been politically on the record as opposing fluoride. I have documents from the Regional Health heads stating where the fluoride comes from tied to US fertilizer plants and that it costs WELL in excess of $100k/year.

I am the fellow in the blue suit sitting RIGHT in front of the camera, right in front of Paul. I do make several statements in the video. I was glad to work with the Fluoride Free Toronto group to promote this event and awareness of this issue.

Whether you are pro/anti fluoride -- or just learning about this toxic political soup poisoning your kids and families and pets, please watch this video.

Dr. Connet is a WORLD WIDE SPEAKER AND EXPERT on this issue. Most people tied to the state / pro fluoride agenda, refuse to debate him on camera or in public because he is so well versed and prepared.

You can challenge a lot.... but you want a medical opinion that opposes the general statist agenda on this?? --- Here it is.


The Federal EPA in the United States (Environmental Protection Agency) is actually being sued over this by the Fluoride Action Network:

Letter addressed to a resident enquiry on fluoridation. Austrian Head of Water Department states fluoride is "toxic" in his brief reply on the record:

“Toxic fluorides have never been added to the public water supplies in Austria.”
SOURCE: M. Eisenhut, Head of Water Department, Osterreichische Yereinigung fur das Gas-und Wasserfach Schubertring 14, A-1015 Wien, Austria, February 17, 2000.


European Governments/ Official Statements Opposing TOXIC Water Fluoridation:



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Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.
This has really upset some people but I do not force my opinions on others, or need to communicate every detail of my life or issues, most people do not care anyways. I invested around 10 hours or more a day on Steemit most of my first 13 mths here, I just do not have that time in my life right now, and that includes for replies and voting/curation.
I have done my best, sorry if you do not understand like some are clearly having a problem with. It's a blogging platform, and I will do my best at everything, and to keep blogging.
Carry On.


The red herring of whether fluoride reduces dental decay is often debated when discussing this topic (it doesn’t – in fact it actually slightly increases tooth decay), but this is a just a distraction from the real issues – fluoride is put in the water to create a profitable way to dispose of a lethal industrial by-product, and to make the population more submissive

The only reason it remains in the water supplies of a handful of American influenced countries (less than 4% of the population globally) is because the officials who have been pushing this mass medication program don’t want to admit it has been thoroughly discredited.

Great post - I really like all the pictures too - Keep on exposing this scam.

I have a webpage about fluoride as well that has a bunch more information:


Thanks @barrydutton for an informative post.
Fluoride is a toxin that is destroying minds.
Here is an extremely long list (66 pages in all ) of research regarding the dangers of water fluoridation.
Keep posting and sending this important message.

Seriously it is only God that is protecting us. If it is this way in Canada, that means it is worse in Nigeria. Because here you can even see the water coloration. It is

Thanks for sharing this.

I'm against water fluoridation – and I'm glad that we don't have it in the part of Scotland where I live. I think it's a matter of personal choice. I choose to use fluoride toothpaste, because I recently lost some teeth in an accident, and therefore I believe I need to take extra care of them. I can spit out the water after brushing – of course, I will ingest a small amount of fluoride, but I can control how much.
Before this accident occurred I had good strong teeth, so I preferred not to use fluoride toothpaste.
One reason why I don't want fluoridated water is that fluoride is a halide and it can block the uptake of iodine, also a halogen, in the body. I recently suffered from an underactive thyroid, and I suspect that the reason was iodine deficiency. I treated this by taking high doses of iodine. I also started filtering my water, to remove chlorine, which is another halogen that can block the uptake of iodine in the body.
I suspect that this is the reason why drinking fluoridated water in pregnancy can lead to reduced IQ in the child, as recent scientific research revealed. The fluoride blocks the uptake of iodine, which is especially vital for pregnant women, as insufficient iodine levels in children can lead to reduced IQ.

Great post!
In Ireland we have the dubious distinction of being part of the 2% of Europeans whose water supply is fluoridated.
There have been many campaigns over the years to have it removed, as well as a recent case taken to the high court, but all to no avail. The judgement in the recent case stated that the addition of fluoride did not constitute a violation of "bodily integrity" nor could it be described as mass medication. That, despite the huge weight of evidence to the contrary!

Another thing most people don't realise about the carcinogenic neurotoxin fluoride is that it is being absorbed through the skin when you bath or shower in it.

It is possible to filter it out, but not easy - it takes about $5000 - $10000 worth of household filters - I wish we could get fluoridationists to pay for that!

Just because you’re not drinking it, doesn’t mean you’re not still soaking it in through your skin….

Many people have some level of awareness about the need to purify their drinking water. Strangely though, most people don’t hesitate to shower in the same tap water they refuse to drink. Most are surprised to learn that waterborne chemicals, including fluorides, are readily absorbed into the body from showering or bathing. In fact, these chemicals are actually more dangerous when absorbed through the skin, where they enter the bloodstream more easily, bypassing the gut where they would bind with minerals from food, thus diminishing their harmful effects.

A growing awareness about water pollution is prompting an increasing number of peoples to buy bottled water (which may be as contaminated as tap water) or invest in water filtration units. Many use activated charcoal, sediment filters, water softeners or ceramic filters. But none of these methods will remove fluoride.

So what would be a solution to the fluoride in the water?

To not put it in to start with, just like 96% of the world...

So how do you suppose we go about this? What is your plan other than posting on Steem about it? Where should we take a shower in the mean time or where should i get non-flouride water?

We have done a few things ourselves and are fighting it in New Zealand.


Fluoridation reaches the NZ Supreme Court

Today and yesterday (November 16th and 17th 2017) New Health New Zealand has been fighting the case, on behalf of all New Zealanders, to have the illegality of fluoridation recognised, forcing councils to stop fluoridation. New Health New Zealand has taken on this challenge with great expense to themselves. They have now reached the highest level, the Supreme Court. See article on Stuff 16th November 2017 and Radio NZ Checkpoint (or hear audio).

This is hugely exciting as a ruling in favour of New Health New Zealand will mean the end of fluoridation.

But we will have to wait and see what the outcome is. That may take months or it may just be a matter of weeks, but rest assured, we will advise you as soon as the decision is made.

New Health New Zealand was one of the leading forces behind stopping the Natural Health and Supplementary Products Bill. This Bill has now finally been put to rest as the new Government has not picked it up.

Ha. . New Zealand

New Zealand. . Your whole country is 1/4 the size of the city i live in . . .i'm done conversing with you regarding mass population issues.

Jeepers, have you considered having an enema?

PS - I can describe a way to filter it out, and I might do a post about it - but start with a $5000 budget and a decent amount of space for some very big filters

Dude, just move.

If you can't figure out how to research water filtration on your own, you can at least not pick on folks that have done something about it.

Start your own New Health for Wherever the Hell you're from, get your own filter, move, or suck flouride. Your choice. Your responsibility.

I’m real worried about the fluoride in the water 💦. So worried, so scared!! We’re all gonna die! We’re all gonna die from the water ! So scary so scary so scary!!!!!!!
Shut the fuck up you quacks!

Ah! Well, you certainly show the truth of the old adage 'ignorance is bliss'.

Your use of ad hominems is evidence of anger, and anger is the child of fear. Read 'Anger' by Thich Nhat Hanh. It will help you understand why you are afraid.

Yes, you got me. So afraid.

I'm sorry but most of these claims your posting are incorrect or misleading. The US has been fluorinating our water for over 70 years and there has not been a creditable study proving harmful effects but there have been countless peer reviewed double blind studies of its benefit.

I am sure some people are going to claim I am part of the conspiracy and I work for the government or something like that but I'm not, I'm just a working class parent who has done his research.

I just want to share an opposing opinion based in facts, studies and science. Here is a link with information debunking a lot of these myths about fluoride with actual citations to real scientific studies and papers and not just memes and pictures with no citations or actual evidence.



Let me know if you would like more info.

Edit: Flagging my post because you disagree with my stance/argument is just down right childish. Please learn about confirmation bias before you go around flagging comments just because you disagree with what they have to say.

"Fluoride exposure in utero linked to lower IQ in kids, study says" - as reported on CNN etc...

If you read the study they are quoting in that article they specifically state that further study and analysis is needed before making a determination of its real risk is one does exisit. A study involving only 300 participant pairs is just not a statistically a large enough cohort to provide a solid conclusion and they readily admit that the source of the urine fluoride concentrations needs to be confirmed with further research. Read for yourself:



In this study, higher levels of maternal urinary fluoride during pregnancy (a proxy for prenatal fluoride exposure) that are in the range of levels of exposure in other general population samples of pregnant women as well as nonpregnant adults were associated with lower scores on tests of cognitive function in the offspring at 4 and 6–12 y old.

Community water and salt fluoridation, and fluoride toothpaste use, substantially reduces the prevalence and incidence of dental caries (Jones et al. 2005) and is acknowledged as a public health success story (Easley 1995). Our findings must be confirmed in other study populations, and additional research is needed to determine how the urine fluoride concentrations measured in our study population are related to fluoride exposures resulting from both intentional supplementation and environmental contamination. However, our findings, combined with evidence from existing animal and human studies, reinforce the need for additional research on potential adverse effects of fluoride, particularly in pregnant women and children, and to ensure that the benefits of population-level fluoride supplementation outweigh any potential risks."

This is exactly an example of why it is important to fully research articles and claims before taking them at face value of the sensationalist articles some news agencies post. I fully support further research into potential risks and studies like this one are very important in determining what is safe and what is not.

I did read the study actually. I read it a while ago, and I am aware that the researchers said further research would be needed. This is not unusual in scientific research.

I am not looking for a definitive answer on whether fluoride in the water is dangerous or not. I personally think there is enough evidence to suggest that it may be harmful. You may disagree. We should have the freedom to choose whether or not to ingest it.

Fluoride is available in toothpaste for those who want to use it. I want to maintain the right to choose whether or not to use fluoride, and how much to use.

You do have the right to choose to consume it or not. You can filter it out of your water if you would like or buy bottled water. To date the proven benefits to the public fluorination of the drinking water have outweighed the potential costs and thus we continue to do it as a national public health success story for the last 70 years (as mentioned above in Easley 1995). I would argue that unless the majority of users of municipal drinking water want to stop doing it then it should continue to occur and the minority that want it removed can filter it out.

Do you realize what it takes to remove fluoride from water? What if I don't want to shower in toxic chemicals? Wouldn't reducing the amount of refined sugar in all of our food or simply having kids/adults eat less candy be a more healthier approach to preventing tooth decay as well as a host of other medical problems? What about the MANY other common substances in our american diet that contribute to tooth decay or bad health in general? Why does the government not care about this if it's really so concerned with money and the general health of the population? Honestly, this is how you can tell it's a lie... People should have a choice to be as unhealthy or healthy as they like and what they do or don't have in their water. Fluoridation is forced medication, end of story.

Thankfully I do have the right to choose whether to consume fluoride or not, and how much, because I live in Scotland, and we do not have fluoridated water. And it seems tooth decay has been declining here in recent years.

While I strongly support your providing evidence contrary to the post, as it is essential we not simply hear echos of what we want to hear - so strongly I countered the flag on your original comment - I cannot agree that if most people wanna smoke, that I must smoke too... er, drink flouride.

It is unacceptable that people are forced to be medicated against their will. Period. We are not cattle, and once the precedent is established, there is no limit to what can be imposed.

Nitrates are bad for you - no bacon! You're obese - back on that treadmill, fatty! People are going to jail for refusing to subject their children to unwanted vaccinations, already. This must stop!

Please, do return to reason, and disavow your advocacy of forced medication, and the slippery slope that creates.

Consider, honestly, that 300 vaccines are presently in development, and the vaccine industry is now immune from suit. This is a nightmare ongoing, and thalidomide, radium, etc., shows that science constantly discovers new information that proves old data were deadly.

We drink well water. I also own a Big Berkey to filter it. I also brush my teeth with baking soda, therefor my intake of Fluoride is minimal. My teeth are doing great. Thanks for the Public awareness as always @barrydutton, STEEMIT is very fortunate to have a valued member such as yourself.

This Week's Episode is Up Now! Included my friend's article published in the usually very fascist metroland group newspaper there -- in Mississauga....



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